[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker strode into the room he made into an alchemy lab. He got permission from Areleth and this helped him in his professional endeavours as a monster hunter. This room would be where his brewing and oil making would happen. Today spectre oil was on the menu. Barracker placed the sack, containing the wolf livers and a pint bottle of bear fat onto the stone table. The large corner table had different sections for boiling , filtration, distillation, mixing and everything else required. There was a pestle and mortar, a sink and various sizes of beaker, flasks and test tubes. He rummaged through his sack, retrieved and organised everything. The Paladin started by setting some water to boil. Then began grinding up the Arenaria flowers as he read his tome on monster hunter practices to remind himself of the process. The key to making good spectre oil was to slowly add the mixture of flowers and silver dust to the pot of cooking wolfs liver, then filtering it before adding the sulphur at the end. In the end, it took him five hours to make the spectre oil. The filtering was the longest part. What was annoying was the fact that he had barely enough to fill one of his blood vials. He wanted to share among the party members who did not possess magic. Spectres like ghosts and wraiths usually cannot be hit by mundane weapons. He would try to distribute what little he had to maximise effectiveness, nevertheless. For now he pocketed the one vial he had and got to cleaning up himself, and the table. Wolf livers were messy.