Her bones rattle in her legs every time her feet impact the ground. Her muscles quiver, compress, coil, and then stretch out into an explosion of flame and movement on a loop. Her tail slices the air behind her each time her spine curves with the effort of the next step, and the next one, and the next after that. Her arms brush the fabric of her torn sleeves against her vest every time she pumps them, and the slick song of rustling fabric joins the heavy percussive clomping of rapid footfalls crushing the ground beneath her. Her hair lifts and slaps like wet rope against her skin. Mouth hangs open, lungs howl even as they stretch themselves to bursting to hold enough to power the effort forward. Mosaic runs. Away from the ship. Away from the battlefield, away from flash and explosion and panicked shouting. But toward destiny. She has asked for a miracle and received it. Her eyes have beheld the impossible, and a battlefield once held in an inescapable grip has shifted before she could even add her mark to it. The smells of the beach, of salt and rusting metals and iron-soaked sand and rotting kelp stay wrapped around her even as the drier scents of tree bark and sap, of stone kissed by the passing of five hundred different hearts rise up and try to push it out. The stench of her own effort and the heat of her body coats her tongue in a film like the end of a feast. She drags it across her teeth but it persists even through the tang of fresh blood. She spits pink. Her eyes flash with silver and the dazzling glitter of crystal pathways. There is nothing for her to do but run. The weight of an impossible debt crushes down on her shoulders. It constricts her ribs as surely as if she'd been caught and defeated by the Crystal Knight. Her heart strains into the immense pressure, not against it. When fools or the greedy are given blessings by the gods, they trust to those miracles and lose themselves watching the ripples across the pond of their lives to not miss the beauty of the gift. But to gawk was to spit in Zeus' face. A miracle must be repaid in miracles. Sacrifice must be proportionate to the gift received. Mosaic could not let this day pass with anyone saying she had put forward the lesser effort. Thank you Zeus, King of the Gods. Thank you red star, sword of the heavens. Thank you Taurus and the Silver Divers, once enemies who even this very moment fight and wheel to buy her the last precious moments she requires to build her tribute. Thank you Crystal Knight, for snatching at last the veil from over her eyes. Now watch her. All of you, eyes on her. Beri rises in front of her with its twisting streets and rolling hills dotted by plain, strong houses and the large craft halls that surround the square. No song floats out to greet her today. The rooftops watch her like soldiers in formation, waiting for their scout to make her report. Waiting for their commander to order them forward. Grim and still desolately quiet, this place that welcomed her into the world. The home that was given to she who had nothing but a tiny and broken family to call her own. The town that laughed with her smile and lifted her up as its own private miracle. She came here a patchwork. It was Beri that called her a demigod and shaped her into something divine. Her heels burn as the dig into the ground. Her claws slam into the earth to halt her momentum at the gateway she has crossed through nearly every day for her entire life since she stepped out of the water and the haze of dreams she had been built inside of. She lifts her eyes to these streets one last time, and nods. Her shoulders roll behind her one at a time, and she rears back prepared to strike. Her fingers curl with the promise of death as her vision fills with wispy silver lines slashed across the ground all around her feet. She tears gouges out of the earth in wide, digging strokes. It rends as easily as crab flesh: her fingers grow grimy with soil, stone, detritus, and chunks of root as she burrows. The glitter of the air fades for the intense darkness and muffled quiet of [color=9e0b0f]//her precious dagger that tore its way across the stars[/color] the tunnels beneath Bitemark. She digs without stopping, down and then forward, until she stands beneath the center of Beri. One breath to steady herself. One breath to prepare. Palms strike the ground above her. Shoulders push up and hips push down; the softness of the earth gives way to unyielding, slicing stone and the weight of the planet pushes back against her. Muscles tremble until they begin almost to snap in half. Her blood is magma, her body screams. She screams with it. Her face twists with pain, her teeth bare themselves to the dark when she roars. "COME, BERI! WE! GO! TO! WAR!" Mosaic's knees cease to buckle. Her legs straighten. With a final cry of aggression, she begins to rise. Cool air seeps into the earth and kisses her shoulders. It wraps her body in a cloak of heavy vapors. She rises higher. And the town rises with her.