[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230929/a2080ed81b155b32bcbc521c05f55866.png[/img][/center] There was something relaxing about cooking. Perhaps the familiarity it invoked or the satisfaction of knowing your efforts would have a direct effect on others. Whatever the case he was happy to be in the kitchen of the Mended Drum, procuring the ingredients had been the hardest part, and he had ended up replacing several for others that were close enough to serve as substitutes. He had settled on tacos, admittedly not his first choice for some authentic Mexican cuisine but obtaining palm tree leaves proved to be difficult and he knew it took too many ingredients for a good mole, so he settled on something simple that he knew at least one other member of his party wanted. Tacos. A cornerstone of his country cuisine and a classic in many places. But he didn't plan to just make some dish to stuff inside them, they asked for the Mexican experience and he would give it to them, which meant taquiza. The guisos he settled on were Picadillo, Papas con chorizo, Cerdo en salsa verde, he was a little hesitant but he already had the frijoles cooking so why not, huevo rojo, pollo con tomate and the jewel of the crown, Alambre. He decided to forgo huevos verdes as he didn't know who liked spicy food and adobo as that would take too much time. 5 guisos may be overdoing it but better safe than sorry, plus he had some help. [color=df73ff]"Hey Sis, mind cutting these into small cubes"[/color] He gestured to the pile of ingredients, tomatos, papas, cebolla, and more, it was not the most glamorous post but by god it was a lot of cutting. He would be grabbing what he needed, every dish needing different amounts. Next, he pulled two mortars with pestles [color=df73ff]"I need you Freddo to smash those beans until they are complete mush when you finish please start with the chicken"[/color] He had a few guesses as to why Frederick had volunteered to help but he was not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, leaving the other man to his task he moved to the pots, setting the oil to appropriate flames and starting the process of making the Salsa for the eggs [color=df73ff][i]"Don't make it spicy"[/i][/color] he reminded himself, he was going to make a Salsa for the Cerdo and another for himself and anyone that wanted a taste. A part of him lamented the fact that he wasn't able to get hold of some avocados to make guacamole, but it was what it was, at least he managed to find corn for the tortillas, he just hoped it was enough. He couldn't wait!