[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UnbEOOT.png[/img][/center] Interaction with [@Ponn] [hr] Ennui groaned in exasperation as the Flittergnats had wreaked havoc across the festival. In one corner of the square, a group of Flittergnats had set their sights on an innocent bystander. Like a swarm of tiny acrobats, they'd worked together with surprising coordination to lift the poor panicking soul off the ground, hanging them precariously, by their undergarments, from a tall decorative pole intended for festooning with colorful banners. The unfortunate individual had become an unwitting star of their own misadventure, swinging back and forth with the wind, their flustered protests echoing through the square. Not far from this spectacle, another group of Flittergnats had taken their antics to new heights, quite literally. With mischievous teamwork, they'd managed to secure a bucket of water and perched it atop a festively adorned platform. As an unsuspecting reveler ran underneath, the Flittergnats tipped the bucket with impeccable timing, sending the bucket and its watery contents down upon the poor soul. Sputtering and soaked, the drenched and bucket covered individual flailed about and comically ran straight into a wall. On the other side of the square, was a spectacle of fiery sort. In the vicinity of a colorful festival tent, a trio of inquisitive Flittergnats had gathered around an open flame. Intrigued by the flickering dance of light and warmth, one of them couldn't resist the temptation. With a delicate touch, it poked the fire and instantly ignited into a miniature ball of flames. Screaming, it zipped wildly in every direction, leaving behind a trail of fiery chaos that set the festival tent ablaze. Ennui watched aghast as the pandemonium played out. [color=a187be]“How strange. There’s so much excitement in the air tonight.”[/color] Quincy said, repeating his line from earlier. [color=a2d39c]"Excitement,"[/color] Ennui deadpanned. [color=a2d39c]"Right."[/color] She shot Quincy a flat stare. [color=a2d39c]“Must be the Dreamer’s Moon, huh?”[/color] [color=a187be]“Oh yes! Its energy is positively invigorating!”[/color] Quincy replied with genuine enthusiasm. Ennui promptly rolled her eyes. She found that her facepalming was starting to become a reflexive response to whenever Quincy opened his mouth. her gaze swept over the chaos that had unfolded, the Flittergnats' antics reaching a crescendo of absurdity. Just as it seemed the situation couldn't possibly get any more outlandish, a calming shift seemed to wash over the square. Ennui's sharp gaze pinpointed the source of this sudden change, landing on the serene figure of a young blue haired woman. She watched, intrigued, as the young Lunatic channeled her lunar magic with a grace and poise that seemed to be a stark contrast to the uproar that had reigned just moments ago. As the woman spoke the incantation, Ennui could feel the soothing resonance of the moons permeating the air, gently coaxing the Flittergnats into a state of tranquil calm. To Ennui's amazement, the once-chaotic creatures seemed to yield to the spell. Their frenetic movements slowed, and the disarray they had caused began to subside. Quincy, on the other hand, was oblivious to the young woman's actions. His attention seemed to refocus on his modest shed and the now calmed Flittergnats. With a hopeful gleam in his eyes, he approached the shed, observing the lingering shadowy energy that clung to its timeworn walls. Had it worked? Had summoning his home in Nexustead restored it to its pre-Abyss corrupted form? Quincy pondered to himself as he scratched his chin thoughtfully. Meanwhile, from atop Quincy’s shoulder, Ennui tugged at his shirt. Her expression a mix of urgency and exasperation. She gestured towards the serene figure of the young Lunatic. [color=a2d39c]"Quincy... look,"[/color] she urged, her voice tinged with a hint of frustration. Of course, Quincy misinterpreted her intentions. [color=a187be]"Good idea, Ennui!”[/color] He said obliviously. [color=a187be]“This development certainly deserves a closer look!”[/color] Inspecting the shed closer, Quincy's face brightened with a cheerful optimism. [color=a187be]"Well, it's certainly looks cozy,"[/color] he mused, his tone filled with unwarranted positivity. [color=a187be]"And look at that! So many lovely shadows, it's like an eternal twilight in here!"[/color] He gestured dramatically, unaware that the shadows seemed to pulse with an unsettling energy. [color=a2d39c]"Quincy!"[/color] Ennui's voice held a note of urgency, her tugs growing more insistent. This time Quincy did look, but instead of noticing the newcomer, he noticed the man suspended by his underwear from the decorative pole. Oh right. Where were his manners? Quincy waved enthusiastically. [color=a187be]"Hello, neighbor! Wonderful weather, isn't it?"[/color] He chimed in a chipper tone. The man looked at him dumbfounded. He met Quincy's gaze with a mixture of disbelief and mild content, the Lunatic’s calming spell seemingly having dispelled and sort of panic that the man should have been feeling given his situation. [color=a2d39c]"QUINCY!”[/color] Ennui's said with a raise of her voice. Quincy blinked, finally directing his attention to the blue-haired lady. [color=a187be]“Hello? And who might you be? A visitor?”[/color] Ennui let out a long-suffering sigh. [color=a2d39c]“Quincy. She’s the one who calmed the Flittergnats.”[/color] Quincy's eyes lit up with realization. [color=a187be]"Oh, so you're the one who fixed our home!"[/color] Ennui hesitated, her gaze meeting Quincy's. Her expression tinged with knowing and understanding. She knew what she was about to say would dampen his mood. [color=a2d39c]"Quincy,”[/color] she spoke softly, [color=a2d39c]“our home, it's…”[/color] She paused, looking at their long lost home. [color=a2d39c]“The Abyssal Convergence… Its taint still lingers..."[/color] Quincy's face fell, and he turned back to his shed with deflated shoulders. [color=a187be]"Oh…,"[/color] he said, the weight of the situation settling in. He looked back to his guest, a touch of disappointment in his eyes. [color=a187be]"I suppose... you won't be wanting any tea then."[/color]