[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] MacKensie was like an excitable little girl in the kitchen with James and Frederick. For every command that the Cleric would give, the Ranger would give a determined nod in response. [Colour=Pink]"Oui,"[/colour] she replied affirmatively. She picked up a knife and, without thinking (or even looking, for that matter) twirled the sharp utensil expertly and rapidly around her fingers. [Colour=Pink]"Cutting."[/colour] She was having fun. She'd never been a particularly good cook. She wasn't terrible - she could manage herself - but she tried to stay away from ambitious projects in the kitchen. With James and Frederick here though, and her only job to support, it was enjoyable. Frederick's recurring reaction to being in the kitchen with the two adventurers was amusing every time she looked at him. The fact that James' illusion was not just visual but auditory too was giving the innkeeper a hard time keeping up with who was who. With machine-like chopping action, she sliced and diced up the ingredients, then brought them to James, [Colour=Pink]"There you go, Sis,"[/colour] before cleaning up her work surface. When the salsa James was making started to take form, she swiped up a blob of it on her finger, then plonked it on James' nose. Frederick made some drinks for everyone and MacKensie took them out to the taproom tables for anyone who wanted one. [Colour=Pink]"Adam,"[/colour] MacKensie greeted cheerfully, when the Druid came in. [Colour=Pink]"You have arrived just in time. James is making lunch for us all. Would you like a drink?"[/colour]