[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3NXWvvj.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] Gym - Training Room C [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Enhanced Reflexes (Passive), Electrokinesis, Boxing Wearing: rubber suit under uniform [/center] [hr][hr] Andy felt type-casted. She wondered if the others felt the same. And of course, there was that girl, Megan, god she wanted to punch her face. Maybe if her mom asked for a virginal sacrifice again she'd see if she fit the bill. Mads had suggested the team break up and tackle different people. Andy didn't know enough about the other students to have an idea of what to do. Mary Sue put a barrier around their 'victim' and was fighting the siren. It'd be so easy to just zap Megan, she had a sword even. That had to be conductive. Can't fight with something that keeps electrocuting you. Maybe they should have looked up the other students they might go up against and considered tactics. Something to keep in mind for next year or round or whatever Andy supposed. Her attention was still on Megan. It wasn't that she was ignoring Mads' suggestion. It was just that Megan was so...punchable. She pulled at the electricity within her and shot it at Megan, she missed wildly. That was fine, she wasn't one to be deterred easily. She threw another bolt at Megan, this one struck the sword but did not travel it. This was stupid. Andy stalked over to where Megan was and just decked her. She didn't even power it. Just punched her. That felt good. The crunch of Megan's nose breaking was satisfying too. She hoped that didn't count against her, but she honestly didn't care.