When Adam entered the Mended Drum, he didn't really have any expectations regarding who would be there. Still, talking to MacKensie by himself twice in the span of a few hours slightly surprised him. When she pleasantly asked him if he wanted a drink, he responded in kind. "Just in time indeed; I look forward to trying his cooking. Is there anything non-alcoholic there? I don't drink, so that would be my preference. If not, water is fine." After MacKensie handed him something that tasted a lot like root beer and he thanked her, the two talked for a bit before she returned to help with the rest of the cooking. Aside from the brief disorientation of seeing two MacKensies (and it wasn't that long for the Druid; the fake Trydant was pretty easy to spot for him), the lunchtime experience was great. Spending time with Second Chance doing something that didn't involve killing things was a nice change of pace. And at the end of the meal, the fisherman made sure to thank the Cleric. "James, these are the best tacos I've ever had." Not that there were many Mexican places in rural Michigan, but it was true all the same. "Thank you." Saying this, the red-eyed man went upstairs to pack his things. Not a long process at all, considering most of his stuff was on his person or in his new bag. Returning to the lobby, he then decided to check out, figuring he'd save Zell the expense of a room nobody was using. Real MacKensie happened to be there and she asked Adam what was going on. Was there concern in her voice? Whatever the case, he answered her question honestly. "My friend told me about an elderly man who lives on Kragstone Peak, not too far from here. He knows a magic called shapeshifting and Glee thinks he will teach it to me, so I'm going up there. Don't worry though, I should be back before we start our quest."