[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] Seeing the reactions of random strangers passing by Zell, James and MacKensie - specifically the latter two, who looked, sounded and were dressed the exact same - was funny. One old man spared them a glance before double-taking, frozen still as he stared at them going the other way down the street. Zell was laughing his ass off. It had been an enjoyable day so far. An insightful one too. James' blessings were proving to be extremely wide-ranging in type and utility, making the swordsman wonder whether the adventurer profession involved more than just killing evil creatures. After all, what would someone need a one-man disguise for? Perhaps their visit to the Adventurer's Guild was little too brief. There were questions they hadn't had time to think of, let alone ask. Arriving at the Mended Drum, Zell elected to forego kitchen duties and parked himself at a table in the taproom, putting his feet up and leaning back his chair onto two legs. "I'll just get in the way," was his excuse for not helping out. "Cheers, love," he later thanked MacKensie when she brought him a cup of tea, then passed the time with some conversation with Adam who'd just arrived, until lunch was ready. He dug into the tacos and complimented Chef James' work. "Not bad, mate. You're full of surprises, aren't ye." After Adam left the table, Zell turned his attention to James. "Mate," he started. "I'm thinking of paying a visit to the Adventurer's Guild this afternoon. Speak to Lucy a bit. Maybe have a few drinks at the bar there, meet some other adventurers, get a better feel what carrying this Source Crystal means. Find out more about that Source Code too. Wha'dya think? Wanna come along?" He shrugged. "If nothing else, it's a chill." He looked at MacKensie. "You're invited too, of course." After he got his answer, he nodded satisfactorily. "So, when did you learn to cook?" he inquired, changing the subject. Something told the Englishman that the answer would tell him more about his friend. The food was a little too high-quality for the average guy of James' age. Or maybe things were different in Mexico than they were in England. Either way, he was interested. "Did you live alone before you... oh yeah; what happened for you to get here? I forgot to ask. Did you die too?"