[hider=Knight Witch] [img]https://i.imgur.com/saVsE3d.png[/img] [list] [*][u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Rayne [*][u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [*][u][b]Appearance:[/b][/u] Rayne is a halfling, with (pierced) pointy ears and a rather short stature. [*][u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Rayne is a kindhearted soul, brave if not daring, determined and honest even when it is to her own detriment. Despite having had some self confidence issues, she is no pushover, and will stand up for what she thinks is right even if the whole world is against her. She is notably very much against the idea of killing people, even if they are her enemies. [*][u][b]Brief History:[/b][/u] Rayne comes from a world devastated by the byproducts of magitech, and while the regime responsible for that devastation has been overthrown, it was too late for the surface world. The sky was shattered, bathing the land in deadly radiation and the last living souls in the world had to hide away in a series of underground caverns known as Dungeonidas. Rayne herself was at one time member of the Knight Witches, a 5 women group that overthrew that regime, but was ejected from the group before battle for the fate of the world took place due to branding reasons (her name and that of the leader Robyn were considered too similar). Despite this ejection (for, unbeknownst to her, very stupid reasons) Rayne still held the power of the link, the power to gain magical strength merely from having people put their faith in her. Thus, when the remnants of the regime's golem armies invaded Dungeonidas, and with the other Knight Witches nowhere to be found for unknown reasons, Rayne was the only one able to stand up against them. After a series of conflicts, twists, turns, and conspiratorial backstabs she eventually discovered that the new society had simply traded one world destroying magitech powersource for another, hexoil, power stolen form the circle of life itself, one that began to slowly rend reality asunder as the war for Dungeonidas reached its peak. She delved into the cracks in reality, defeated the avatar of this new apocalypse, the fallen knight witch Robyn, and was poised to become the avatar of life itself, Gaia, charged with restoring life to her ruined world. Then, instead, she found herself here, in this new one. [*][u][b]Universe of Origin:[/b][/u] The Knight Witch [*][u][b]Equipment:[/b][/u] [list] [*] [u]Armor:[/u] Rayne’s armor is somewhat fashion over form, but the solid plate covering her chest, shoulders and hips still provides a fair bit of protection [*][u]Runedge:[/u] An enchanted blade made to be far heavier than its form suggests [/list] [*][u][b]Abilities:[/b][/u] [list] [*][u]Flight[/u]: Ryne can effortlessly hover through the air, though her power walking pace speed leaves much to be desired. [*][u]Dashing[/u]: Rayne can perform a [url=https://i.imgur.com/xrCRqZm.mp4]straight line dash[/url], teleporting a fixed 3 meters in any direction and appearing again with a bright flash. While this used to render her untouchable while doing so, something about this new world causes this not to be the case, which is going to give her quite the scare when she first takes a hit while dashing. There is only a short half second cooldown between dashes, making it quite useful for mobility as well as dodging. [*][u]Weapon Summoning[/u]: Rayne can store weapons in her magic, and then pull them out in the blink of an eye to attack, before returning them to storage at the end of her stroke. [*][u]Magic Bullets[/u]: Rayne can fire large magic bullets from a hovering glyph at a slow but steady pace, and for little to no effort. They have a fairly limited range however, and simply dissipate when they exceed it. [*][u]Spell Cards[/u]: Rayne can use her mana to cast larger spells via special spell cards. Her max mana pool is pretty limited (and she can only briefly hold over her maximum), but she has incredible versatility in the spells she can cast. The only issue is that it is based on a deck and card draw system, with 10 cards in a deck, and 3 in hand, rather limiting her ability to effectively wield that versatility. (Rather than try and simulate this however, let’s say that once Rayne has cast a spell, she then has to cast a few other, different, spells before she can cast that same spell again). Note that these spells occur around her rather than being fired in a direction. [hider=spell list] Ryne’s max mana is 8, however spell costs are for context only, and and we won’t be keeping track of the minutia [list] [*](6) Death Spiral - Creates a shmups worth of bullets for several seconds [*](1) Seeking sword - fires a single phantom blade that homes in on and stun enemies [*](2) Seeking swords - fires 3 phantom blades that homes in on and stun enemies [*](3) Ethereal sword - summons a giant sword to spin around her for a while [*](3) Magic ax - summons a giant ax to spin around her once [*](3) Lightning - A vertical lighting bolt that strikes down from above her to below her [*](4) Wrecking ball - causes two giant spiked wrecking balls to smash out from either side of her [*](4) Armageddon - a massive wave of destructive magic [*](1) Wreckless blast - which also hurts her [*](1) Shockwave - a blast that destroy enemy projectiles, [*](2) Parry - a blast that reflects enemy projectiles [*](2) Flashbang - a blast that stuns enemies [*](2) Runic bomb - a single touch/damage activated bombs [*](4) Bombardment - a rain of several touch/damage activated bombs [*](2) Cloud of darkness - Create a large lingering damaging cloud [*](4) Electric orbs - 4 orbs of ball lighting fired around her in an X shape [*](3) Flamethrower - replaces her magic bullets with a stream of flames [*](3) Machine gun - massively increases fire rate, but reduces individual bullet size and damage [*](4) Triple cannon - fire 3 bullets in a spread [*](5) Shotgun - fire a dozen small bullets in a wide spread [*](4) Boomerang gun - fire a crescent moon that pierces foes and terrain, and then comes back [*](4) Hand Cannon - bullet size massively increased [*](5) Ghost gun - makes her fire rapid fire multi shot homing terrain piercing bullets that also have much longer range [*](5) Rocket launcher - bullets have no range limit, and explode in a 3 meter aoe on impact [*](3) Death ray - replaces magic bullets with a lock on laser that does more damage the longer it hits a single target [*](2) Reload - recasts the current weapon, letting it be active for longer. [*](3) Gaia’s shield - summon a permanent ring of (destroyable) floating rocks, [*](3) Magic shield - summon a temporary indestructible floating shield, [*](4) Sentry gun - summon a floating automated turret that copies her current weapon [*](5) War spirit - summon a dragon whelp shaped familiar that copies her current weapon [*](2) Wise spirit - summon a temporary aven shaped familiar that fires seeking swords when she casts a spell. [*](5) Etheria armor - Give herself magical armor, letting her take an extra hit (does not stack) [*](0) Mana surge - Restore a point of mana [*](0) Collection - Attracting all the mana in the area towards her [*](2) Garbage collector - lets her gain 1 mana for each enemy destroyed for a time [*](3) Manna gamble - makes the next drawn card cast 0 [*](0) Loan - refills mana entierly, but causes her to draw a hexed card that takes 3 mana to destroy [*](4) Discard frenzy - for five seconds, all cards cost 0, but also have 0 effect [*](0) Wild card - discards her hand and draw three cards [*](4) Butterfly swarm- Several dozen crimson butterflies burst out from Rayne, which then flutter towards foes in order to collide with them, detonating in little bursts of flame when they do. [/list] [/hider] [*][u]Momentos[/u]: Rayne can gain cards themed on the abilities of bosses she defeateds. [*][u]Mana bubble off[/u]: When Rayne hits a foe with an attack that does not use mana, that strike has a moderate chance of causing a football sized orb of mana to appear next to the impact site. This mana can be collected by anyone who has free capacity for it (as in they have used mana to cast spells) which includes, unfortunately, the target. Rayne’s natural mana regeneration is rather pathetic, meaning that unless she has time to rest, this (and a few specific cards) will be the only way for her to regenerate mana, barring the discovery of alternate/external sources. [*][u]The link[/u]: The more people who feel gratitude and have faith in Rayne, the more powerful she becomes (gained from people directly giving her thanks). Specifically her base bullet damage/rate of fire increases, and her mana bubble off chance and spell power/duration increases. These upgrades are noticeable, but not massively dramatic. [/list] [*][u][b]Other:[/b][/u] [list] [*] She likes to drink lemonade from a tea mug [*] She going to miss her husband, [url=https://i.imgur.com/cg0J5uh.png]Akai[/url] [*] She has a [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xW12LjR_imU]theme song[/url] [/list] [/list] [/hider]