[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UnbEOOT.png[/img][/center] Interaction with [@Ponn] [@Qia] [@Crimson Flame] [hr] Quincy turned his gaze towards the newcomers, his smile tinged with melancholy. The locals exuded a warmth and friendliness that struck a chord within him. It was a sentiment that tugged at his heart, knowing that he couldn't stay for long with the lingering taint in his home. [color=a187be]“Mmm. Stubborn,”[/color] he concurred, his voice carrying a reflective note. [color=a187be]“Much like a well-tempered tea kettle.”[/color] Ennui's expression contorted, caught between deciphering Quincy's analogy and dismissing it as a tangled mess. Quincy, however, offered no further elucidation, leaving the analogy to hang in the air as he turned to face his old abode. With a sigh, he extended his hand towards the shed, his fingers seeming to meld with the weathered wood. The structure quivered, once, twice, before swiftly collapsing in on itself. Along with it, the Flittergnats were drawn back into the tiny dreamcatcher from which they had sprung. Safely stowing the dreamcatcher in his pouch, Quincy's attention shifted to the net-like shroud draping his attire. [color=a187be]“Let's see here,”[/color] he mused, fingers gently traversing the gaps in the netting. With each opening he explored, a vivid impression formed in Quincy's mind of various dreamlike objects ensnared by his garment. [color=a187be]“Ah, here we are.”[/color] Grasping the particular dream he sought, he conjured it onto the ground before them. A firepit, flames dancing merrily, materialized along with a metal grate, a teapot, and four delicate ceramic teacups. Quincy settled onto the ground, relishing the warmth emanating from the fire's embrace. Ennui's brow furrowed as her gaze shifted to a curious addition beside the firepit. Such unexpected extras were known to accompany dream conjuring, especially under the Dreamer's Moon. A brightly colored rubber duck bobbed in an imaginary puddle, its perpetually cheerful expression standing out against the fiery backdrop. To her astonishment, the rubber duck met her gaze with an almost knowing look. "Squack Squack," it chimed, producing a sound that fell somewhere between a squeak and a quack. Ennui's expression took on a hint of horror as she pointedly averted her eyes, treating the nightmarish abomination as if it weren't there at all. Meanwhile, Quincy remained seated in companionable silence, patiently awaiting the kettle's whistle. The quietude, however, proved too much for Ennui to bear. She took it upon herself to address their unexpected company. [color=a2d39c]"I apologize for any inconvenience we may have caused,"[/color] she offered, [color=a2d39c]"My friend, he possesses a... unique perspective on common sense, unfortunately."[/color] She paused, turning her attention to their guests. [color=a2d39c]"My name is Ennui,"[/color] she introduced herself with a nod towards Quincy. [color=a2d39c]"And this,"[/color] she added with tone that sounded almost ashamed, [color=a2d39c]"is my other half, Quincy."[/color] [color=a187be]"Cheers!"[/color] Quincy joined in, lifting an empty teacup high above his head. [color=a187be]"To yadda-yadda and such-and-such,"[/color] he declared, looking to their guests expectantly, as if prompting them to participate in the toast.