[hr]ATTN: [@PaulHaynek] (Kitchen Staff)[hr][color=008000]This won't do at all,[/color]" Ripcord says, looking around the... shack that was being excused as a kitchen. "[color=008000]This won't do at all...[/color]" "[color=E97451]Rippy, we have to clean this mess up...[/color]" Umami says, clenching her fists like a begging puppy, "[color=E97451]Rice alone is no meal for Boss Kyouko![/color]" Ripcord nodded, snapping her finger, as her punkish attire morphed into the very atypical maid attired of a maid, and pushed Gnash into her chest, before retrieving a broom. "[color=008000]I'll start sweeping up. Mami, you start mapping the location, and restructuring the storage.[/color]" "[color=E97451]Umu![/color]" Umami nodded, as her hair grew out wild and a pair of thin, triangular ears erupted from her head, as she transformed into a Werebat. Thrusting herself into the air, Umami would sonically chirp at the ground, as she flew around in a few circles. As Umami made her laps, Ripcord was speedily swept without a dustpan nor leaving a mess behind; her slime absorbing the biodegradable material into her through the broom. Humming, as finished, stowed her broom away, and Umami landed behind her - whispering something into her ear. Ripcord nodded alone, before punching her right fist into her left palm. "[color=008000]Genius![/color]" Ripcord says, before lifting her dress and running over to the head chef in her dainty heels. "[color=008000]Indeed! You are correct! We are newly minted members! We serve Boss Kyouko, and have come to repair, restore, and revolutionize this kitchen! Umu![/color]" "[color=E97451]Umu![/color]" Umami parrots, transformed into a Weredog, wagging her tail wildly. "[color=E97451]We're ready to work! Rice will more than do as payment! We'll take meat and veggies for raises![/color]" Despite the fact that there were two Mamono standing before him, he could hardly help but see two young women with sparkling eyes in need of a meal and willing to earn it through hard work.