When James, Mackensie and Zell left, Fenna gave them a short wave as she finished her own breakfast. Once Lilliana was also done she told the mage she was going for a walk to the Golden Tree Park and she was welcome to tag along if she didn't have any plans. Not that Fenna had any plans other than to see the park and maybe strike up a conversation with some locals, which she told Lilliana as well. She planned to be back here by lunchtime. While the streets weren't busy yet, some citizens were already working and an adventuring party made their way to the nearest gate. She nodded them a greeting, which only two of the party returned. One had a look of disdain for her and the other two were too busy arguing about some kind of bet one had lost and the other won. Unsurprisingly the Golden Tree Park didn't have any trees made of gold. There was no doubt this park would look stunning in the right season, but the leaves were all green at the moment. She thought about trees and the colours they could get in autumn for a moment when she was greeted by she assumed the gardener, based on the tools he carried. "Admiring the park, ma'am?" "It's very well kept," she complimented him. "It must be stunning in the right season." "That it is," the man replied, holding his back straight in pride. "Of course we have flowers blooming almost all year long, but we didn't name this park [i]The Pretty Flowers Of Valheim[/i] for a reason." He tapped the bark of one of the trees. "These beauties are green much longer than they are yellow, but in the sun it's like the leaves are made of gold. And maybe it's more appealing because of the limited time we can watch it." Fenna smiled as she looked up at the green leaves. "I'd love to see it, but we'll leave soon." "Adventerurs? We have them a lot here. Most don't care too much about some old trees. Druid? Or Ranger perhaps?" Fenna confirmed the second, that is what the Adventure Guild had told her after all. "I heard the guards are organising some kind of archery practice thing, just outside Valheim. You know the Church of Iris?" Fenna confirmed she did "It's outside that gate, for the church you go right, but it will be on your left. It will be on the grass near the wall. I know you rangers often use bows and it's open to anyone." Fenna thanked him for the information; she did have a bow but she hadn't used it in combat because her spear was much easier to work with. Maybe she could string it and shoot some arrow today, to get a feel for her other weapon as well. After exploring the city a little more, stopping at one of those hot beverage places where she could pick herbs and spices from a selection and have something brewed on the spot - she chose a herb that smelled a lot like vanilla and some red berries of which the woman behind the counter said they went together really well - and made her way back to the Mended Drum for lunchtime, entering the inn just when Mackensie told Adam that James was making lunch for them all. Fenna chose a seat at the bar. "It smells good," she said.