[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] MacKensie chuckled at Adam's response. [Colour=Pink]"Of course, my friend."[/colour] It was barely noon, so it would've been quite surprising if any of their group had actually asked for beer or liquor. [Colour=Pink][i]Ummm, maybe not so surprising if it came from Zell, come to think of it,[/i][/colour] she corrected herself. Nevertheless, she never would have dreamed of offering Adam an alcoholic beverage at this time of day. [Colour=Pink]"Hi Fenna,"[/colour] she smiled at the dutchwoman. [Colour=Pink]"Also with perfect timing."[/colour] "It smells good," Fenna said. [Colour=Pink]"Our fearless leader is cooking up a storm,"[/colour] MacKensie bounced back. [Colour=Pink]"What can I get you to drink?"[/colour] After getting the orders of her friends, she brought them their drinks and then disappeared back into the kitchen to chat with James and Frederick while the final touches were being put on lunch. The three of them served lunch shortly after and MacKensie joined Fenna at the bar, leaving the men at the table. [Colour=Pink]"So, how did it go at the Church, yesterday? Did Lillianna learn more about the spirit who assisted us?"[/colour] After Fenna filled her in, she couldn't help but add, [Colour=Pink]"I [i]do[/i] apologize for leaving so suddenly."[/colour] The tacos were lovely and MacKensie made sure to let her approval be known, asking Fenna and Frederick (who was stood up eating as he did paperwork behind the bar) how their's were too. When they were finished, MacKensie cleared the plates, finding herself at the boys' table when Zell was talking about going to the Adventurer's Guild. "You're invited too, of course," Zell told her. [Colour=Pink]"Sure,"[/colour] she agreed. Meeting other adventurers sounded fun, but more than that; getting Lucy's take on the political situation would be interesting. Especially after some time to digest the conversation she'd had with Clarissa Shields at the Academy. From what she'd learned, The Emperor wasn't actually as all-powerful as the title suggested, and this war had created fractures in Capitol City. Reinforcements were being sent from the West to shore up the front lines, but the lion's share would go to a fortress in the north. And then there was that moment when Clarissa was about to say something - several moments like that, in fact - but this particular one she stopped herself and suddenly ended the conversation. Something about 'the Wellsprings...?' Perhaps if she asked the right questions to Lucy, she could pry a few more pieces to this puzzle. She was about to start the task of washing up, but found herself unsure of what to use in place of the usual washing-up liquid, so she went to find Frederick to ask. She ended up bumping into Adam. Seeing him with a packed bag, she naturally inquired as to where he was going, a little concerned considering how his mood had been since the battle. Up the mountain? "...Don't worry though, I should be back before we start our quest," he finished. [Colour=Pink]"[i]Alone[/i]?"[/colour] MacKensie asked almost incredulously. [Colour=Pink]"I don't think so. Hold on, I am coming with you,"[/colour] she told. [Colour=Pink]"I insist. Who knows what is out there."[/colour] As she said the words, she pictured the metal ninja and got goosebumps. [Colour=Pink]"I will get my things."[/colour] She ran up the stairs, rushing for fear of him trying to leave without her. She left all the tidbits and quality-of-life accessories she'd bought in Valhiem, taking only the rucksack of supplies she'd acquired in Hommas. Her heartbeat quickened as she looked at her one-handed crossbow, her memory feeding her imagery of Lillianna's stabbing, James and Zell being struck to the floor, and of course, herself getting a bodyblow and being tossed into the rockface, and that black sword almost splitting her skull. As she snapped out of her reverie, she could hear own breathing. She gritted her teeth and holstered her weapon, then joined Adam downstairs. She let Zell and James know that she wouldn't be joining them at the Adventurer's Guild, then told them and Fenna that she'd see them later, before nodding her readiness to Adam.