[6,3. If this is Overcome, it's -1, and Dyssia will Pay a Price to turn it into a 10. If it's Keep Them Busy, it's a +1 and full success.] Disruption is the key. Disruption, demolition, distraction. And if there's one thing Dyssia knows, it's how to be distracting. Well. You know. Distracting, capital-d Distracted. Close enough, right? You'd have to be pretty dumb to go this long in life and not figure out at least a few things about your own weaknesses, right, and how to turn them outwards? Which, uh. Granted, does not actually work like that. Generally her distraction isn't due to having someone with a gravity whip pluck the tools out of her hands. So having the self-awareness to know that she moves on from something when it fails to, uh. When she reaches a certain level of, uh. Look, work with her here, alright? She knows how to use a grav-rail, and how to do it well, and how to warp reality around herself faster than the people in front of her. Or, as the case may be, above her. Or behind her. Up is relative when you're good at this. Time and again, rituals are disrupted. Cockerels are plucked out of clawed priestess hands right as the knife is descending. Rail-wielding elites turn to pin her down, and she and her formation have gone. The Knight herself turns her whip to harry her troops, and the tip severs itself around a microscopic pinhole of neutron-star density. It's dancing, is what it is. It's listening to the music in her head, and wondering why everyone is so sluggish. Can't they hear it? Can't they see the steps, feel how it pulses in her veins, fills her? It's not enough. It can't be. Eventually, the Crystal Knight will rally her troops, and Dyssia will miss enough of the ritual to allow them to be smashed properly. But Eventually is a long way away. And by the time Eventually happens, everyone will be on the ship. Can't face angry consequences if you've left them fifteen systems behind you. And so, she dances, and leaves Eventually behind.