Well, there goes the neighbourhood. [b]The Crystal Knight![/b] There's a certain kind of demoralization that comes with seeing your city-sized starship catch a suburb sized suburb through the main viewport. Perhaps it's being on foot, in atmosphere that does it. The Slitted is, after all, designed to endure multiple impacts of this kind during the course of a major engagement or deep void travel. The Crystal Knight simply hasn't had to [i]hear [/i]it before. But more than any of that, perhaps there's some part of the Crystal Knight who just can't figure out how to top it. How do you impose fear into your conscript soldiers after that? How do you issue threats? How do you claim the Skies will never fall while also ordering a testudo to keep the debris of your reeling sky castle from crushing you? More than a failure of morale or strategy, there's a failure of imagination on behalf of the Crystal Knight. A rebellion is one thing. This is... She'll snap out of it eventually. For now she's just watching the way her capital ship reels drunkenly, broken above and below, splashing in and out of the ocean like an indecisive albatross. [b]Dyssia and Mosaic![/b] You meet in the loading dock of the Plousios; one half dead from the price of divinity, the other marked only by a ceremonial winestain. The ship is flooding with rescued souls, your enemies too disorganized and demoralized to give chase. The ship is also flooding with water. It has only been three-quarters hauled out of the ocean and everwhere is the the familiar scent of brine and salt. Waterfalls cascade down the decks, coral growth covers doors and walls, fish slide diagonally down along with the departing sea as it runs to collect towards the rear of the ship. Only the crabs are unmoved, snapping dutifully at passer-by. Despite the difference in your appearances, you are both alight with the glow of victory. Take a moment to exchange a heroes greeting. [b]Ember![/b] The Magi contemplates, but in the end releases you. There is still an amusement, though for now it is cut with curiosity. Assistance igniting the engine is the pressing issue for now and so she decides that she will let you ignite the Engine before resuming her game - - that is, until a runner comes to her with the news. Ceronian ears pick it up clearly; the field is lost, the Slitted is falling, the Crystal Knight is presumed dead, and two hostile armies are boarding the Plousios. "... fair djinn," said Merya, with the change of attitude that only the castigation of the gods can deliver, "please understand that you are under no obligation to me beyond what kindness and hospitality requires. Likewise, I have no evil intentions towards you or anyone aboard, I am a humble scholar who is sometimes struck with playful impulses. No harm or offense is meant. I do hope that when your mistress arrives you speak of me as such." [b]Dolce![/b] Previously, when the Crystal Knight outmaneuvered 20022, he was unshaken. Such was the cost of doing business, a possibility he had priced in beforehand. This is different. You see in the moment before he closes his eyes frustration - perhaps even anger. His hand clenches tight around the handle of his case of documents like he's envisioning throwing it all against the wall. Then he takes a deep, calm breath. He packs the feeling away along with all his plans to salvage the situation, along with his pride. He accepts that he is in a corner and is unwilling to dare to escape it. He comes to a full stop, then turns his soldiers around. "Come on, then," he said with his familiar poise. "We are heading to the Architect."