[@Click This], [@Crusader Lord], [@Hammerman], [@Qia] [hr] [center][h3]Some Forest.[/h3][/center] There was a nice breeze blowing gently through the clearing now. Not too strong, but not too weak, gentle but pleasant. The leaves of the trees, both those with brown and those with green bark, swayed and rustled carefree. The birds kept singing their various melodies, chirping, tweeting and some squawking obnoxiously. All the while the girls kept on standing there, alone in the woods, with three corpses of ratlings at their feet and not a single coin to their names. They hadn't decided what to do next just yet, but surely they'd come to decision soon. After all, standing around where they were wasn't going to get them anywhere. In fact, considering what Laynea had said about going to hunt more ratlings, chances were that remaining here might draw more of those filthy little critters to them... Or perhaps even somehting worse if they were unlucky. Still, it wasn't like they had a lot to go on; without a map or even a vague idea with their immediate surroundings, all they had to go on was the general direction in which their brief acquaintance had pointed them towards, and who knew just how deep or dense this forest really was? Well, Laynea probably knew, but she wasn't around aymore now was she? So, their choices boiled down to either standing around and sicussing things more, or getting the lead out boogeying their little tushies somewhere else.