[center][img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1131065754469539920/1131065953820610652/Zero.gif[/img][/center][color=gray][sup][b][color=#AACCDD]MENTIONS:[/color][/b] [@Skai] [@Retired] [b][color=#AACCDD]INTERACTIONS:[/color][/b] Sharing a look with Wes, talking with new roommate Haven [b][color=#AACCDD]LOCATION:[/color][/b] New Alcatraz, San Francisco, California, US [b][color=#AACCDD]NOW PLAYING:[/color][/b] [url=https://open.spotify.com/album/0Ytzeqoskd5VfSVfGGA1SM?si=iA6PqvlQQ7CaJRTjBfk3QQ]♫ Tinashe - Treason ♫[/url][/sup][/color] [hr] [indent][indent][color=gainsboro]It did not take long for that table of Zee's to become its own snowglobe, the pale ornament within suspended in her own snowy world as everything else moved and shook around it. At the very least, her reading in complete silence made for a much less unnerving sight. Reading in silence made sense. Sitting and standing in the same silence, which was essentially what she had been doing since the bus ride, made less sense. Maybe people might even find Zee approachable like this. That was a joke, of course, but right as that thought crossed her mind, a boy passed by Zee's table. Brown hair, pasty skin, so average he might as well have been plucked from any street in the country. And yet there was one thing remarkable about him: he noticed Zee. Was 'notice' a stretch? It might be a stretch. He was just pausing to look at her for just a moment before continuing on. But that moment was him with his mind at Zee, there was no questioning it. There was a question at the tip of her tongue: why? It remained there because she knew the answer. She was weird, she was scary, she was a freak. That description did extend to everyone in the room, that boy included, but Zee really felt like one of the only ones to deserve her place here. To deserve the confinement, the isolation. There's cold blood on her hands. That must be what he was staring at. The two shared glances, his curious expression bouncing off of her indifferent wall of ice. The moment soon passed, and that boy was on his way while her eyes returned to the pages below. And that was precisely when a table exploded. [center][sup][i]"Voices in my head goin' silent"[/i][/sup][/center] It was a blur of excitement and activity, destructive force colliding into the body of one of the veterans. Chaos and the rough fist trying to enforce order came in like armies into the rec room, trampling over the peace and any hope of Zee figuring out the context of what in the world just happened. It was a flash of red hair, that was for certain, but she had been too focused on her book to notice anything else. What set them off? What else can explode in their presence? Why explode [i]that[/i] table in particular, which was close enough to her own that splinters bloodied her face? Perhaps all that was not important at the moment. It certainly wasn't to the New Alcatraz officers, who swiftly and indiscriminately had everyone to the wall. She barely had the time to put the book back on the shelf before everyone was directed away from the wall and into...somewhere else. That somewhere else ended up being their living quarters, the former cells of Alcatraz and current dorm rooms of New Alcatraz. Gender segregated, of course, but what did Zee expect? She kept walking in that apathetically sluggish pace until she found her name and one other in the words of an officer. [b]"Room 110 for Haven Barnes and Zelda DiAngelo."[/b] So this one was her room. Which of the kids was Haven Barnes again? It turned out to be the one with the wings. Cool. That one was hard to ignore among the other unconventional misfits, but if she can fly with those...that was a freedom Zee had long dreamed about. What would that world look like, if she had Haven's life, and Haven hers? Could she sign off on another person going through what she went through? [color=tan]"Hey,"[/color] came Haven's voice to take her out of that thought. It was a soft and slightly shaky voice, and she cleared her throat to start again, less shakily this time. [color=tan]"You can just call me Haven. I don't... really use my last name."[/color] Once upon a time, Zee might have questioned the history behind disavowing a perfectly good surname, but the part of her cared froze over. She did not want to dig up the snow under her roommate. Not yet, anyway. [color=#AACCDD]"Hey,"[/color] Zee replied. Her own voice was a stable and cold nonchalance, more of an effortless exhale than an utterance. [color=#AACCDD]"I'm Zelda. Call me Zee or Zelda, call me whatever you want."[/color] [color=tan]"Do you want to pick what side you want? I don't really mind what I get."[/color] It was comforting that Zee had a friend in not really minding or caring. Almost put a smile on her face. Almost. [color=#AACCDD]"Neither do I. I can sleep on the floor if you want both beds."[/color] That was half of a joke. An attempt, even. [/color] [/indent][/indent]