[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] As they passed over the threshold of the city gate, MacKensie was hit with a wave of foreboding. The pair stopped momentarily as Adam identified the correct mountain. MacKensie looked around too. The vast open outdoors looked peaceful enough, but the Ranger knew better. She'd seen the kinds of creatures that roamed these lands. Even less comforting was the fact [i]He[/i] was still out there - the metal ninja. After that brief moment, the two adventurers shared a smile and set off towards Kragstone Peak. The mountain path was not steep - the walk was quite easygoing in that respect. Adam's company and conversation was pleasant, the pair having much in common. But even though they were talking, MacKensie remained on high alert, the smallest of movements catching her eye - a squirrel scurrying in the brush or a branch swaying, a bird in a tree or a loosed leaf dancing on the wind. [b][i]"Finally I've found you,"[/i][/b] was the ninja's voice clear in her mind. Adam's voice in her ears would bring her out of the flashback and back to the present, and she would reply, shrugging off her anxiety for a while until it resurfaced, then the cycle would repeat. Time would slowly make things better though. After an hour or so of being outside the city, the sense of foreboding would quieten to a whisper and she found herself smiling more, laughing more. The footpath up the moutain eventually came to an end, bringing them to a spot that overlooked the city and showed just how much altitude they'd gained. It suddenly occured to her that young couples from the city, seeking a little wilderness romance, might come to this place. It certainly seemed to have the appropriate ambience. "This is quite nice, don't you think, MacKensie?" A light blush stained her cheeks and she broke eye contact, her gaze falling to her feet before looking out at the view, a hand making that nervous motion of tucking a lock of hair behind her ear. [Colour=Pink]"Ummm, yes."[/colour] Her awkwardness passed quickly, replaced by contentment. [Colour=Pink]"Yes,"[/colour] she repeated with more certainty, nodding at the undeniability of Adam's words. [Colour=Pink]"It is indeed beautiful."[/colour] She drank in the view for a moment longer then smiled at the Druid. The path to climb higher from this point took a jump in difficulty. At Adam's show of concern for her, she nodded her thanks. [Colour=Pink]"I will be cautious."[/colour] And cautious she was, making sure of her every move, keeping three points of contact on the tree at all times. But it did not stop her wobbling occasionally. On the second tree they climbed, one of her feet even slipped off and she had to pause to gather herself before continuing the ascent. A sense of shame began to accompany that lack of confidence in her ability - ability that had been there before - ability taken from her by the metal ninja. Adam gave her a hand at the top and she gratefuly accepted, him pulling her up after she get a foothold on the summit. Glad to be done with the climbing, they looked about the plateu they arrived at to see a secluded hut with a smoking chimney. This had to be the place. Adam knocked on the door after they approached and MacKensie waited to see who would answer. When the door finally opened and Adam introduced them both, [Colour=Pink]"Good afternoon sir,"[/colour] Mackensie echoed Adam's greeting and then politely stayed out of it. This was Adam's task. Now that they'd made it to their destination safely, she was only here for moral support.