[hr][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/JggQfxy.png[/img][hr][b][Color=00ffff]Location:[/color][/b] Training room B [B][Color=00ffff]Skills: [/color][/b]Armored ground and aerial combat [B][Color=00ffff]Equipment: [/color][/b]Shieldmaiden armor[/center][hr]The pace of the fight was starting to pick up as the hero team seemed to start to find the cracks in their defense - literally, in the case of Leah's wall. At least her own side was finding purchase in slowing them down. With all of the lumens impacting her eyes, Sveva must have been half blind by now. However, speaking of the wall, Victoria really did not like what came through. She did not need to be able to read lips to know exactly what Abby was saying. If by any chance the local technopath was listening to what was going on in her head, she would be hearing a thunderous 'I told you so!' Before she could so much as think of how to take care of the issue though, Jyoti managed to summon a pocket hurricane after crashing down, and caused said power sucker to bowl into Ed, than herself, and finally Leah. Leah, who finally registered why she told them to frag Abby early on, and, praise her, beat the snot out of her before she decided Victoria made for a happy meal. Vicky has had one near death experience too many recently and was not keen on the idea of adding another one. She hoped Abby would heed Leah's ultimatum, because she didn't know whether Leah would not cross a boundry. [color=00ffff]"I'm fine, monitoring power level. If she tries anything, my suit will wail like a siren."[/color] she called out, setting up the alarm function and hoping it was enough to put the earthbender's mind at ease. The others of the hero team were starting to make their move now, and Diana promptly disoriented them both and ensnared one. That didn't work too well last time though, so Vicky added on her own blasts to make sure, and managed to knock Sveva out cold. Both of her other shots missed though, but Vicky was getting numb to being a colossal disappointment. [i][color=00ffff]I'll just have to roll with the punches. Maybe literally though? If long range isn't working, maybe it's time to let the hammer fall.[/color][/i] she decided, and put Rada in her sights. [hider=Personal notes] [code] - What even is the point? I can't do anything right. - The above? Forget it! I am chewing them the hell out and then giving them a choice. Follow me, or decide whom else to follow. But I am done with this anarchy! - Props to Ed though. Armored up, stuck to cover, you know, LEARNED from what I was trying to impart to them. In the absence of direction, found something to do within his skillset that actually helped with the objective. I support THAT kind of initiative. - Also commend Leah for the armor and the wall. It turned an open field slugfest into defending the castle scenario, that gave us a leg up. - Best to start that meeting with the positives before tearing them a new one =) - Spend a few more nights on the range and in the gym rather than the workshop, Vix! [/code] [/hider] [hider=M-F generator allocation] [color=00ffff]Left rear, right rear: [/color][b]HELD ACTION - Use to jump-boost up to Rada and engage her in melee. Armroed aerial combat skill, Armored ground combat skill, 10 tons lift strength.[/b] [color=00ffff]Chest: [/color][b]Fired off this round - Missed Jyoti[/b] [color=00ffff]Left hand: [/color][b]Fired off this round, Sveva KO[/b] [color=00ffff]Right hand: [/color][b]Fired off this round - Missed Rada[/b] [/hider]