[table][row][right][color=92278f][h3][b]Yuu[/b][/h3][/color]Bjyerlfal City || Camphor's Lab => Camphor's Lab: The Habitat || Morning[/right][/row][cell][hider=Part 1]Yuu snorted as he gave the short guy with the Noibat a sidelong glance, crossing his arms shallowly nodding at the mutual assessment. Good, he was glad to see some semblance of rationality around here instead of the drivel that one imbecile managed to produce in less than thirty seconds and managed to break his intense focus on them as well. [color=92278f]"Hm? Ah, sorry 'bout that Vivi, just... n'yeah,"[/color] Yuu awkwardly murmured, scratching the side of his face as he acknowledged the Rotom's efforts whose gaze seemed downcast as it whirred worriedly for Yuu. Of course the duo were instantly shocked out of it by another chorus echoing his and the other purple-haired boys sentiment, instead shifting their focus over to the girl with vibrant green hair and an aura of decadence. As much as Yuu was an advocate for those with basic literacy working in this environment, he was involuntarily scowling over at the girl without even realizing it, his nose scrunching as his gaze darkened when falling upon her. Beneath his lips he was gritting his teeth the moment she disparaged the Aipom that her Sprigatito, named Verdue, was clearly trying to play with. This girl somehow had the worst aspects of Hearthome and Kalos mashed into one. Of course it was one insufferable person after the other. Vivi on the other hand instantly saw what was happening and gave a firm tug of Yuu's hair, causing the boy to wince a little this time as he glanced over to the Rotom-phone who finally stopped upon meeting its eyes. [color=92278f]"Thanks,"[/color] Yuu muttered under his voice as Vivi gave a whir of approval and seemed to sigh in relief. Yuu, however, couldn't help but groan, rolling his eyes as he buried his head into one of his hands and shook it. He was half-listening, half-ignoring the conversation between one of the trio who touted this environment as being a bit hostile, but considering the company, could she really blame Yuu? Regardless, the peppy girl with the Cottonee would go on to introduce themselves, the haughty girl with Verdue, and the tolerable yet... possibly narcoleptic girl with a relaxed Slakoth dozing away on her head. Yuu couldn't help but empathize with the latters plight, though he did raise an eyebrow at the comment over administrative pressure portion. Just as he was opening his mouth to press the Cottonee gal for more, the woman of the hour deigned to make her grand and unkempt appearance. Of course, the moment she opened her mouth was the moment she revealed her cantankerous yet to the point personality. At the very least her appearance was enough to make him temporarily forget about a handful of the hires, even managing to elicit a small chuckle out of Yuu through their exchange with the other assistant and the Impdimp known as Pix. Beyond that, Professor Camphor thankfully cut right to [i]why[/i] they were here and essentially told everyone that wasn't those other three to follow her. Yuu duly obliged, pushing his thoughts on the other trainers to the back of his mind as he jutted his chin out as a way to urge Vivi to follow him. The Rotom-phone whirred and did a twirl before floating over with a knowingly sly smirk and giving him a small pat on the side of the head as it followed closely behind. As the duo congregated with the rest of the trainers Yuu's eyes couldn't help but drift to the giant red G that adorned the side of, as well as the signs signifying the other types of rooms. His eyes became affixed to myriads of signs, whether it was the Bio Labs or the Simulation Room, as he came to a short pause to stare. He couldn't help but ponder on what sorts of experiments occurred behind these closed doors and briefly remained glued to the spot as the multitudes of other trainers-to-be passed him by. It was only when Vivi began buzzing and whirring that he was awakened from his transfixed state, murmuring a soft [color=92278f]"Thank you"[/color] to the Rotom-phone as he speed-walked to catch up with the rest of the group. Once he was caught up, he mostly kept a respectable distance, though he continued to stare at the different parts of the lab they all passed on by. Thankfully Vivi was there to continuously urge him onward and kept him from getting too distracted by the scenery. However the moment Professor Camphor spoke up, the gears in his head started turning as he felt his eyes almost shift to the back of his head, staring behind him. Where did that elevator they passed go? Did it lead to the simulation room or some other portion of that laboratory? What were the Habitats like, how many were there and what types of pokemon did they have? Did they uniquely change every so often to acclimate other types of pokemon? Did trainers who had special access to their place but also had to many pokemon spend time with the other pokemon? If they did did that impact research a bit and if so how? What was Eidda like, as well as- Yuu's musings came to a pause as he glance to his side. It took every fiber of his body not to press his face against the glass as his eyes shifted over the landscape. This was the Habitat? He couldn't help but be stupefied by this place and was unable to really continue on his thoughts as he swiftly followed the group after into the elevator. The scale was quite impressive, though thinking that felt like an understatement... but at the very least the Professor managed to directly answer some of his lingering thoughts. The elevator trip was relatively brief and the explanation that they were to catch their partners here was curious as he received a Pokeball from one of the assistants. As it was placed in his hand, Yuu couldn't help but squeeze the it for a moment as he felt his own heart pounding in his head. This was way different than battling with rental Pokemon at the school or even doing mock battles utilizing his Dad's partners. Yuu sighed as he felt a peculiar sense of warmth washing over him as he looked back up to observe more of the Habitat. He did recall giving a rather lukewarm answer on the type of Pokemon he was interested in... did she potentially tweak the environments a little to suit what they answer in the questionnaire? Yuu shook his head, even giving himself a small bap. Gods, now he was the one making stupid assumptions like that one dunce. With a sigh, Yuu whipped the Pokeball around in his hand, rolling it with enough speed to where it was spinning on the tip of his index finger. While his eyes lingered on the environment, his mind was elsewhere and was mentally pontificating what the Professor had said earlier. Yuu deftly popped the ball up with his finger and let it fall into the palm of his hand as he looked over to Professor Camphor, only to find one of the other trainers having the same idea. The young man silently shifted over listening in on the conversation as the young woman asked... a comparable question he had as well. Huh, guess a couple more had their heads screwed on straight... and that she might potentially have more questions. Hmm. Yuu strolled over to the group before pausing a couple of feet away, lingering nearby the trio as if he was some silent specter continuing their steadfast watch. He could spare a minute or two before heading out, his eyes flittering about as he noticed the Buneary began to plummet to the floor from their perch. While he was too far away to catch it, his body jolted on instinct as if to make the attempt anyways, only for such a gesture to be for naught. There he bore witness to some purple energy enveloping the Buneary, suspending the Pokemon in place before it began to float back upwards and was gingerly placed back on the girls shoulders. Hmm. Yuu had heard about psychic trainers, but never really witnessed any of their powers in person until today. Looking at his outstretched hand, he couldn't help but clench it into a fist and rub his fingers together nervously whilst keeping his own stoic composure. However what followed were a couple of answers that kept him firmly rooted in place and gave him a brief pause as his mind went on a rampage of ideas when told about the particulars, [color=92278f][i]"I wonder... are there any abandoned places around the city? Perhaps a long deserted toy shop that could house a Mimikyu or Shuppet... maybe there are places Gastly congregate to hide out any rough winds and lure trainers in... perhaps there's an abandoned factory containing a Rotom?"[/i][/color] Yuu couldn't help but glance over to Vivi for a minute, who was eagerly bouncing around and taking in the environment before continuing his thoughts, [color=92278f][i]"Ah, but bug and grass types, how could I forget. Maybe I could also encounter some wandering Budew or even a Scyther... but there is also the coast as well... Azurill, Finizen, or even a Magikarp, though I could just go back down to the coast to catch a Tent-"[/i][/color] And then the thoughts stopped. An old manor? Yuu couldn't help but feel his body tense up, his jaw clenching as he tightly squeezed the pokeball to the point where if he tried to squeeze even further he felt like he could accidentally break the thing with his vice grip. [color=92278f][i]"An... old manor, in a place known as the Winding Woods."[/i][/color] Those thoughts ran on repeat, like a broken record, and even the excitable Vivi ended up noticing Yuu's sudden shift and worriedly floated over to try and break him from that hyper-focused trance. But once more it was for naught, but on the positive side it was unnecessary as Yuu broke out of it on his own, clearing his throat and murmuring an apology to Vivi for worrying them. [color=92278f]"Alright then Vivi, enough of us gawking. Lets go find our new friend."[/color] There was a strange amount of vigor in his steps, a sense of renewed, yet empty determination resonated in his eyes as he marched forward into the Habitat with Vivi.[/hider][hr][hider=Part 2] Yuu felt a change in the artificial air the instant he took a couple of steps into the temperate environment, as he looked around the small grassy plains, if it could even be called that. There were multitudes of Pokemon frolicking out in the open, either playing with others or scarfing down a meal. He couldn't help but take in the environment, observing each of the Pokemon and their daily actions, whether it was catching a couple of Combees out of the corner of his eyes darting between the foliage of the false forest, to a Teddiursa leading a pack of baby Pokemon into the forest, and even Slowpoke fishing all while a Shelder loomed nearby. Yuu sighed. He really, [i]really[/i] didn't want to disrupt the seemingly tranquil times these Pokemon were having, but on the other hand he did have to find a partner... wonder if there was a Cleffa or Abra nearby. He squinted back at the group, counting each of the head of the baby Pokemon the Teddiursa was leading... Igglybuff, Happiny, Togepi... no Cleffa though. Still, could always try to approach them, or maybe... Aha! An Abra! Yuu whipped his head as he noticed a floating yellow Pokemon out of the corner of his eye. Maybe that could be his partner? The purple-haired boy slowly began to approach the Abra as Vivi floated nearby, watching in anticipation as Yuu waved to the creature with an awkward smile with a hand in his bag, [color=92278f]"So uh-"[/color] Before he could even finish saying anything, let alone pull out some food he had brought along to potentially feed his partners, the yellow Pokemon had warped away to some other part of the Habitat, deflating Yuu almost instantly with a solemn, [color=92278f]"Oh."[/color] However that didn't deter Yuu too much as he gazed around for another Pokemon he could attempt to befriend. Taking a couple of steps towards the beach, the tall young man, continued to observe the vicinity as he glanced back over to the Slowpoke. The creature, despite its rather oblivious nature, seemed to notice the young man approaching them... before deciding to go take a swim. Vivi couldn't help but whir in confusion at the way all these pokemon were acting towards Yuu, with the latter having a small sweat droplet as he took notice of how his own appearance had distorted the way myriads of pokemon around him were acting. [color=92278f][i]"Please tell me I'm not intimidating the pokemon..."[/i][/color] He might of been a little. Yuu knew most pokemon could somewhat read people, but he didn't expect to trigger a visceral flight reaction from most of the ones around him, even watching as a Krabby and Corpish scuttle out of the path he was seemingly taken. He let out a stiff chuckle, [color=92278f]"Hm... lets try up there Vivi,"[/color] Yuu flicked a finger in the direction of the rocky alcove he saw earlier, a hill that was meant to simulate a mountain. Of course, while there [i]was[/i] an easy path to get up there that he took note of... [color=92278f]"Hup!"[/color] Yuu opted to climb it instead. The side wasn't too steep and was relatively easy to traverse, though he could of just taken the path that lead from the forest instead. Grasping another rock, Yuu pulled himself up and over the ledge, steadying himself on the semi-uneven terrain as he stood back up and looked back down from where he came. Though when he shifted his eyes back to the vicinity this place seemed even more sparsely populated. He would of expected to see a Geodude, Machop, or even a Skiddo from the forest, but no. It strangely seemed abandoned and yet when Yuu analyzed the place, he took note that most of the pokemon that left to plain area were back and even the sandy shores of the false beach seemed a little more lively. Yuu huffed. He didn't mean to scare them all away and yet... [color=92278f]"Vivi, lets... take a short break."[/color] The Rotom-phone whirred and buzzed, befuddled at Yuu's supposed need to rest; it knew the boy had more energy than this as he saw him lean up against a wall and began musing silently about their next move. He wasn't one to give up, but maybe he'd need a different approach, otherwise he'd be stuck here all day, unintentionally intimidating some of the Pokemon and disrupting the current order of the place. Maybe he could head back to ask about any braver Pokemon lurking around the habitats from Professor Camphor, or maybe- [color=firebrick]"Rio?"[/color] Yuu nearly jumped out of his skin, with Vivi nearly jumping out of its phone as they both stared down at who made that noise: a lone Riolu. The pokemon looked up with a look of awe as it tugged on the side of Yuu's pants. Yuu cleared his throat, and awkwardly smiled at the little Pokemon before giving it a stiff wave, [color=92278f]"Uh, hey there little guy, I'm Yuu."[/color] The little Pokemon broke away from his pants. What was he- [color=firebrick]"Rio! Riolululu! Riri!"[/color] The Riolu exploded in joy, bouncing around and waving at the not only Yuu, but Vivi as well, the latter of which giving a much less stiff, but equally friendly introduction. The Riolu couldn't help but get up on the tips of its toes as it looked at what Yuu presumed was the 'strange floating creature' that was his phone. Shifting through his bag, Yuu pulled out a couple of nuts and berries and outstretched his hand to the overly friendly Riolu. The pokemon instantly noticed the food, shifting its attention to Yuu's hand as it began snarfing down the mixed assortment of fruit and nuts to its delight. The young man couldn't help but take a short breath in as he reached a hand out towards Riolu to pet him, only for the pokemon to push its own hand out, surprising Yuu. Much more surprising was that it was sharing some of the berries and nuts Yuu had brought along as well, looking up at him with stuffed cheeks, [color=firebrick]"Ri ri!"[/color] The Riolu insisted Yuu take some and attempted to share it with the young man. He couldn't help but stay still for a moment, basking in the adorable friendliness of the Riolu as he murmured [color=92278f]"Th-thank you"[/color] to the pokemon, taking a handful of his own berries and nuts and eating some. Bitter, yet sweet. The Riolu attempted to do the same thing with Vivi, insisting it take some of the food, only for Yuu to wave them off, [color=92278f]"Err, Vivi isn't exactly able to eat solids like that... well, most Rotom aren't able to anyways I believe."[/color] The Rotom-phone nodded in agreement, shaking his head before pointing its antenna over to Yuu. The Riolu's eyes glittered in wonderment with its mouth slightly agape, nodding at such a thing before swapping back over to sharing the remaining food with Yuu once again. Yuu chuckled, instead reaching a hand over to pet and scritch the Riolu's head a bit before taking the food. [color=92278f]"Thank you,"[/color] Yuu's gaze softened a little as he felt his body begin to relax as he gently smiled back at the Riolu who seemed to reciprocate with a huge toothy smile of his own. This was... nice, though he wasn't sure if he really deserved something like this, or potentially even a partner like this, if the Riolu wanted to even [i]be[/i] his partner. Speaking of, Yuu began to rise up from his seating, on the rocky road, stretching both his arms as he slip his relatively large satchel off to the side with a soft 'plumpf.' The Riolu couldn't help but wonder what was going on as he nibbled on the rest of his snack, watching as Yuu took off his stylistically-worn jacket and folded it up as delicately as he could before placing it down on top of his back. Then he shined a smile at the Riolu and gestured for the small Pokemon to follow after him, which they decided to oblige with a bright yet loud [color=firebrick]"Riolu,"[/color] standing up and traipsing over with a little hop in their step. [color=92278f]"I'm sure you've had a couple of fun little sparring matches with other fighting types around her, am I wrong?"[/color] The Riolu paused, hopping down in place as it pondered for a moment before performing a few little punches, as well as a couple of kicks and quick dashes and hops before back flipping and landing on its two front teeth with a gleeful look on his face and both of its arms stretched upwards, as if to say 'tada,' or rather [color=firebrick]"Ri riiiiiii!"[/color] Yuu couldn't help but giggle at such actions before he flashed his canines at the Riolu, smiling back at him before punching his fist against the palm of his hand, [color=92278f]"So you have, well if that's the case..."[/color] Yuu took up a fighting stance, planting his feet firmly on the ground and raised up his arms, [color=92278f]"Care to indulge me in a little play fight?"[/color] Yuu studied the small Pokemon as it took its own fighting stance as well, noticing the small jitters and slight bounce in his step, with his ears flopping to the rhythm of said bounces. He was excited. With a wry smirk, Yuu urged his smaller opponent to come hither and make the first strike to which the Riolu obliged. The purple haired boy kept his eye on the Riolu as he began bouncing, hopping and dashing around to close the distance before getting close enough before unleashing a blinding burst of speed. Yuu barely had enough time to react to the kick the Riolu was throwing as he quickly put an arm up to block the attack. He felt a small sting against his forearm as he protected himself from assault, smiling to himself, [color=92278f][i]"Quick Attack."[/i][/color] Rapidly flicking his arm out, he launched the small Pokemon back, who began to skid against the ground, slowing its push back before looking back up to Yuu. Yuu saw the way its eyes shifted, studying and scrutinizing him... that... did the Pokemon read his aura, his emotions when approaching him? Yuu had little time to muse on this as the Riolu continued the offensive, launching himself back at Yuu. Yuu then proceeded to deftly swinging his leg out, going full throttle at the approaching Pokemon. Just as he predicted the Riolu wasn't able to dodge the sweep, causing him to topple and roll towards Yuu as he continued to pivot around. However, just as Yuu was nearing a full rotation he noticed something out of the corner of his eye. Riolu was already hopping up towards him, as if they had recovered from the leg sweep. His eyes widened. Yuu had no time to block as he awkwardly leaned to the side and held an arm up, just barely dodging their attack but stumbling a little from the awkward stance he was in. [color=92278f][i]"He used Feint whilst in my blind spot to make up for me tripping him... clever!"[/i][/color] While the attack had missed, Riolu landed on the ground and quickly pivoted around to face Yuu. While he was quickly trying to regain his balance, the Pokemon was staring at him with a determined, toothy smile as their fists began to glow a bright, silvery-blue hue. Yuu had little time to react as the Pokemon shot forward like a speeding bullet towards him, and could only really raise his hand up to catch the fist as he felt the back of his hand thump against his chest. [color=92278f][i]"So you know an egg move, huh? I... see."[/i][/color] Yuu lightly chuckled to himself, closing his eyes as he gripped the Riolu's paw, locking the Pokemon in place as he dug his heels as best he could and endured the Bullet Punch. Before the Riolu could even react, Yuu wrapped his other arm around the Pokemon and brought him into a tight hug as he let go of the paw he was holding onto and proceeded to then wrap his other arm around the Pokemon. [color=firebrick]"Rio?!"[/color] Riolu couldn't help but yelp out in confusion at what was going on and took them a second to realize that the fight was essentially over. [color=92278f]"Sorry for going a little hard on you buddy, but... you had a little bit of fun, right?"[/color] Yuu glanced over to the Pokemon who looked to still be processing what was going on before screeching a cheerful [color=firebrick]"Rio rio, riolu"[/color] into his ear before doing their best to wrap their little paws around Yuu's chest. Yuu fell to the ground, sitting there whilst still hugging the little Pokemon. There were myriads of emotions welling up in this moment as he involuntarily began to smile. Joy, guilt, happiness, doubt. There was a warm, yet pained feeling in his chest as he closed his eyes and basked in the moment. As much as he relished this memory, at the same time he couldn't completely enjoy it. Did he even deserve something like this? His mind wondered, yet his body told another story. He was happy; a bittersweet happiness, but nonetheless, happy. [hr] In the midst of their embrace, Vivi was flittering about the vicinity, buzzing worriedly as it hurried to find someone, [i]anyone[/i] to capture this moment. It had managed to go into camera mode via bumping into Yuu while he wasn't aware to activate it, but was unable to take the photograph itself. The Rotom-phone seemed to have some regret of being unable to capture a bit of Yuu and the Riolu's epic clash, or at the very least epic to it, but it could try to capture the tender moment. It felt Yuu would appreciate it, yet it was on a short amount of time as in panickedly looked around, whirring, buzzing, calling out to anyone or anything to simply hit the button to take a picture of this moment with their new friend. They would probably float to the first recognizable person or even Pokemon and lead them to the scene before urging them to take a photo.[/hider][hr][hider=Part 3, Guest Starring Jill and Aster!]From her perch up in the treetops, Aster had been observing all the various Pokemon in the area, with particular interest in those who were meeting up with their human partners for the first time. She had been eying up the snivy down below when Jill eventually caught up to her. [color=007236]"There you are!"[/color] the girl said, climbing up so she was now side-by-side with the Aipom. [color=007236]"You really need to stop running off like that."[/color] When the Aipom didn't make a response, Jill gave a loud sigh and instead tried to hone in on what she was looking at. However, something else ended up catching her eye, as she caught a glimpse of one of the trainers embracing a Riolu. Her expression immediately softened from exasperated to adoration and she let out a small [color=007236]"Awww"[/color], which then got Aster's attention. However, as the Aipom followed her gaze, she noticed something other than the trainer and his Pokemon: a little Rotom-phone floating awkwardly in the air. Aster immediately jumped down from the tree and started making her way towards the phone, causing Jill to give an alarmed shout. [color=007236]"Aster, wait a sec!"[/color] she called, jumping down after her. Aster didn't even glance round, running on all fours towards Vivi and attempted to snatch her out of the air with her tail-hand. The Rotom-phone was abuzz with excitement the moment it spotted a small purple monkey running towards them. Vivi began to float towards the phone, attempting to communicate with the Pokemon as it floated downwards and closer to its grip to explain the situation as it heard someone else call out to the Aipom as it clambered up the rocky road at breakneck speed. The moment it hopped up and attempted to grasp them was when Vivi realized too late that they weren't going to listen. The phone whirred in surprise as it was plucked out of the sky by their tail hand and was now gritting its electronic teeth as it began angrily whirring and buzzing with irritation as it was smothered between its paws, going between demanding and asking the purple monkey to let it go and listen to them for a second. Aster didn't seem all that bothered by Vivi's whirring and started turning the phone over in his paws, accidentally clicking on the camera button and taking a few random - likely blurry - pictures in the process. Vivi was squirming to get out of the little monkey's singular hand, chirping and buzzing for it to stop and listen to them as it continued taking random photos of the Habitat and [i]not[/i] photos of what really mattered. While it did feel like it was getting a little loose, the Aipom's vice grip was enough to the point where it wished it could utilize a Thunder Shock like it was normally able to before it became Yuu's phone. Alas the only thing it could really do was buzz out expletives and whir in a desperate attempt to get the Aipom's attention. While it did seem for naught, it caught wind of someone else approaching. While they were unable to discern the more intricate details, they saw they were short, a girl, and had a whole lot of green, though the latter could just be attributed to the treeline from how much they were spinning. Vivi was abuzz as it whirred loudly, calling out to the approaching person to save them from this mischievous little monkey. While Aster was distracted, Jill was very easily able to sneak up behind her and scoop up the troublesome Pokemon. [color=007236]"Gotcha!"[/color] she said, grasping the Aipom against her chest in something between a grapple and a hug. It took her a moment to realize that the Pokemon was holding something and, while holding Aster against her chest with one arm, she used her free hand to yoink the Rotom-phone out of her grasp. [color=007236]"What's this?"[/color] she said, holding it up to her face and squinting at it. Her grandparents had never trusted her with a phone of her own, so this technology was somewhat alien to her. The muffled Rotom-phone let out a cry of relief as it was released from its captor, only to find itself within the clutches of another once again, this time it was that one girl they saw sprinting towards the Aipom. Vivi had to collect themselves after being rolled around and around in the monkey's paw, its eyes swirling for a little bit before it began to strangely budge a little in Jill's hand, as if shaking its head. Whirring once more, the Rotom-phone buzzed and chirped in a more blithe manner now that it wasn't being poke-handled by a mischievous monkey. While Vivi did make an attempt to communicate with the human to let it go through strange sounds and electronic noise, they were also attempting to wriggle out of Jill’s hands, rushing even. Jill blinked in surprise as she sensed the strange device in her hand making sounds and trying to wriggle free of her grasp. [color=007236]"Oh sorry!"[/color] she said and immediately released the phone. As Jill released Vivi, the Rotom-phone flew up a couple of feet as if popping out of her hands from being squeezed too hard. Floating high above the duo, Vivi blinked for a minute as it shook itself off and sighed in relief as it began gliding downwards. Turning back around to face the young lady so she just wasn't staring at a camera screen, the Rotom-phone displayed its face and smiled widely at her, electronically sounding off a thank you for letting them go before bouncing and basically doing its best to emulate a wave. Of course, they briefly turned around to glance at Yuu and the Riolu before twirling back around and forming and o with their mouth and combined the static and whirring sounds to make a rather scuffed [i]ssshhhh[/i] sound, hopefully indicating what it wanted. Following that it bobbed its head in the direction of Yuu and the Riolu, doing its best to try and indicate that they wanted Jill to follow them. Jill blinked in surprise as the phone floated out of her hand and revealed itself to have a face. She didn't seem to be too startled or afraid, just... bemused almost. It was at this point Aster was starting to get tired of being held and started struggling in her grip, so Jill let go, allowing the Aipom to land on the ground on all fours and start dusting herself off. Jill didn't pay her any heed and instead started making her way after the Rotom-phone. Suddenly the Rotom-phone came to a stop, buzzing silently as it did a twirl around to look back over to Jill as it did so. Vivi then proceeded to then make a small gesture over to Yuu and the Riolu, pointing its antenna directly at the duo as it proceeded to flip itself back around and onto its side, exposing its screen. However, instead of rolling through the Aipom's tail and capturing pictures of its singular hand now it could do what it [i]actually[/i] wanted. On the screen it displayed the duo still locked in their hug, but at a much closer range than normal, no doubt as a result of Aster rolling Vivi through their hand, making it an unknown but potentially happy little accident to the trio whenever Yuu learned of the photo. Beyond that there was also a small button on the screen as well which seemed ripe for the pressing. Vivi did its best to explain what to do from this distance through its buzzes and whirs, doing its best to try and ask Jill to press the button; they even went as far as to angle their phone-body in a certain way to draw her eye to it before pulling itself back up. Jill looked blankly from the phone to the boy hugging the Riolu, and then back again. Anyone watching could almost imagine the cogs turning in her head as she tried to figure out what Vivi wanted from her, and when it seemed to finally dawned on her, it was like a little light bulb going off in her brain. With a smile, she pressed the button to take the picture. The moment Vivi felt the young lady's finger press against their screen made its circuits relax, as well as nearly made it ring, struggling to contain its excitement. While Jill couldn't see it it was widely smiling from its front as it floated a couple of inches away before rapidly twirling around in the air before stopping at staring at the girl. Readjusting itself, the phone floated back upright, making its joy even more evident as it did a small, levitating jig as it hopped to one side and to the other before doing a soft enough jingle with the sound system that more than likely wouldn't disrupt Yuu or ruin the moment with their presence. Regardless, Vivi kept smiling at Jill as it gently buzzed and nodded, as if thanking the girl before waving its body like a hand before floating back over to the vicinity of Yuu and the Riolu. [/hider][/cell][cell][hider=Trainer Information || Yuu Nozomu][u]Pokémon [/u] N/A [u]Pokédollars [/u] 000.001.000P [u]Inventory [/u] x1 Potion [u]Interactions [/u] GM | [@Rune_Alchemist] Clarissa | [@Crusader Lord] Jill & Aster | [@XxFellsingxX][/hider][/cell][/table]