[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230929/a2080ed81b155b32bcbc521c05f55866.png[/img][/center] It was a testament to how much he was focused on his cooking that he failed to notice Mac's attack on his nose (that and she was way faster than he was) before she made contact. [color=df73ff]"Hahaha, get out of here!"[/color] Internally however he felt a cold sweat, anyone who has worked with truly spicy food before knows the pain that is sauce on skin, thank god(s?) he had made the decision of a less spicy sauce, if not he would be with an irritated nose for the next hour or so. Still, it was nice, cooking like this for friends, it was not something he tended to do preferring to try new foods instead but he had done his fair share of cooking for others. Eventually, he found himself eating among the others, full of smug satisfaction, it was nothing special being able to cook like this but he still felt proud of it. So it was only natural he would brag when given the chance. [quote=@Zellman]"Wha'dya think? Wanna come along? So, when did you learn to cook?"[/quote] [color=df73ff]"You know what? I gotta grab my shawl from the tailor anyway, why not? As for the cooking part..."[/color] He brought his other hand towards his chin in the 'thinking' pose [color=df73ff]"I think it's pretty normal to know how to cook like this back home? Or, well, not exactly normal but common at least"[/color] This was nice, just chatting with a friend [color=df73ff]"What about you? Any special hidden skills you wanna reveal now?"[/color] He made a show of gasping and widening his eyes [color=df73ff]"Don't tell me, you are a master juggler?"[/color] He smiled to show he was joking, with the last days being what they were this relaxing atmosphere was more than welcome. However, the next of Zell's questions unwittingly dragged his mood down. [quote=@Zell]"Did you live alone before you... oh yeah; what happened for you to get here? I forgot to ask. Did you die too?"[/quote] He tried to appear flippant [color=df73ff]"Nah I used to live with a lot of my family"[/color] He failed [color=df73ff]"As for the other... Yeah, I guess I did, neighbor's house was burning and I tried to play hero"[/color] An uncomfortable chuckle and a hand on the back of his neck [color=df73ff]"Got a crowbar and everything"[/color] [s][i][b]FIRE SO MUCH FIRE![/b][/i][/s] [color=df73ff]"At the end a cabinet fell over me and well, next thing I know I was in the coffin"[/color] [s]A lie and[/s] a shrug. Damn, he was feeling uncomfortable now, he should have just been vague instead of giving so much detail. [color=df73ff]"So what do you want to do at the Guild"[/color] He was not being subtle with the change in topic but he hoped Zell would take the clue. God, he felt awkward just bringing that up. [color=df73ff]"Well, feel free to lead the way"[/color]