[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lillianna[/color][/b][/h1][/center] While it was certainly a bustling campus, it was enough to make the mage almost feel like she was in college again simply from the people im robes shuffling quickly about the place. Some seemed to stop and take a bite to eat, or goof off with friends in-between classes while they had some time to kill. Others seemed to look for corners or elsewhere to sit and pop open a book or begin scribbling things down on paper of some kind, like they were doing some kind of studying or homework. Some naturally would continue on carrying bags and books and all sorts to most likely hurry to the next class at that! Indeed, the mage somewhat paradoxically seemed to relax a bit more as she walked along and tried to avoid getting run over. A hall of education and learning, something she'd always enjoyed the presence of in comparison to many other places she'd been in life....well, her [b]prior[/b] life she supposed. Whatever the case, the mage found herself able to go about to a variety of places in the meantime. But where to start? Where to begin? Certinaly she wanted to perhaps focus her efforts on what she could do and what magic she could actually use, so that seemed as good a place to start as any. Even then, though, where to go? Sure she could seek out something regarding her lightning, though....they were going to head to a Temple of Hades. Sounded like a place that would involve a lot of undead or spirit romaing around or such, at least if she went by the old Greek Mythology god as any sort of basis. Then again, she hadn't asked much abou the deities of the world either for that matter! Ugh. Simply another thing to jot down in her mental notepad of a 'To-Do List' for later, she supposed, though it was on that note that the mage felt looking more into her Spirit Magic was a good idea in general. She was already on the trail of wanting to look into the life of a dead adventurer, whose presence in the Mazy Hillocks among other things had left a distinct impression on her. What kind of impression she couldn't fully grasp, and yet it was enough to compel her to look into his life and death all the same. But if she was going to be ready for anything else regarding such matters, or able to handle running into such spirits in the future who were far less helpful, then it seemed prudent to at least branch out her knowledge some into the relevant field of magic that pertained to them. Simple? Eh, simple by her standards at least. It was in this vein that Lillianna would try to ask around breifly about any literature related to Spirit Magic and where she could locate it. From here she would get simple enough direction to "The Grand Library of the Light and Dark Domains", though as she would make her way to said library- [quote]Among the men and women in the main hub of literature pertaining to the Light and Dark Domain, a Cleric named Simon was giving a lecture to a younger and newer Cleric. The library itself was dominated by light, the thematic decorations showing the difference in the number of shelves commited to each Domain. Dark magic was largely illegal, and what wasn't illegal was highly regulated behind licensing laws. However, there was information available, just not nearly as much as the books, scrolls and tomes dedicated to the Light Domain. Simon's lecture was nothing academic. He was simply venting to an up-and-coming adventurer about why he retired early and became a teacher. "Restoration magic is a perfectly valid school of magic," he grumbled. "In fact, it's probably the most important. But do you get the thanks and the credit for that? Quinity, no! Clerics are constantly overlooked and underappreciated. People would rather be enamored by the fancy light-show of fire and lightning, while we Clerics are doing all the work." [/quote] The twin-element mage silently raised an eyebrow as she overheard a conversation while passing by, drawing her eyes barely away from the rows and rows and shelves of tomes sitting before her. A vast swath of literature, gathered in one place about a particular 'school' of magic. Certinaly such a thing was beautiful to consider the existence of, though it also made enough logical sense to organize things in such a manner to help direct students in a 'school of magic' to different locations to study. Distribute the various students across the board, as it were, rather than try to make one titanic library....not that such a thing [i]wouldn't[/i] have been cool actually. It would have been very cool! But she was getting a bit more distracted besides the point. Yet she still couldn't help but imagine some poor soul in an MMO game talking angrily to someone as she heard the older cleric's rant, but at the same time felt a small pang of relatability. Unlike certain 'majors' she'd seen back home, something like healing magic seemed a lot more applicable and serious to take note of. Something perhaps akin to medical field? Ah, but that was the fun dichotomy of the word 'clerical': It could mean both medical matters and religious ones, which at points in Earth history had been one and the same it seemed. Yet again, though, she was getting off-track too easily in this place when it came to her thoughts. But what else would she do in here than get to thinking about things on the premises of a seemingly wide-topic-encompassing scholastic institution? It was only natural! No! She had to focus, and focus she would. No more distractions. Walking up to the lecturing Cleric and his either fortunate or most unfortunate student, the twin-element mage would try to politely get the attention of Simon. Albeit it felt as awkward as her approach in some aspect likely was, in her mind, as she semi-nervously tried to tap the man's shoulder lightly. Her staff, meanwhile, was gripped tightly in her other free hand as said hand seemed to grip it a bit tigher in mild anxiety while she tried to make her approach. Perhaps it would be worth asking him about where she could find some pertinent information that might be of use to her, and see if she could narrow down her search for literature from there to one thing or another to focus her studies today on in this case. Because she wasn't spending all day in here wandering around randomly for information on a topic she was still coming to grasp! That would be simply silly and foolish really. [s]No, she'd have to have a nice long off-week for that sort of thing at the very least! And a comfortable chair. Maybe some coco if she could find it. Ah, that'd be the stuff~[/s] [color=gold]"Pardon me, and apologies for the interruption of your lecture here, but I am a rather new student to the field of Spirit Magic in particular. New to this library, in fact, at that. You seem to be an experienced person around here, and I was hoping you could perhaps help point me in the direction of information regarding matters of say...combatting spirits and undead?"[/color] ...Though part of her hoped she hadn't found the crazy nut on campus who complained to everyone and stressed out at his day job all the time. Eh, too specific a niche to have in mind there? Perhaps, but her chances of running into such people back in college in-person had been surpsingly higher than she would have liked back then. Ugh.