[@PaulHaynek] [quote]"On the contrary, I think thieves are invaluable in the battlefield. Swinging weapons and slinging spells are only half the battle, you know?"[/quote] [color=00aeef]"Is the other half knowing?"[/color], said Zeka, snickering. She couldn't help herself. [quote]"But I digress. My scouts have told me that while the Varjan armada are moving to surround the island, I haven't received any reports of an outright invasion or battle. At least, not yet. Of course, you are free to decline if you are feeling apprehensive about all this. Worry not, nothing will be held against you by doing so."[/quote] [color=00aeef]"Nah, nah. If you need even a thief's help, then who am I to turn you down? Hopefully, we can resolve these issues before any actual fighting starts..."[/color] Once again, Zeka glances over to the sailors and soldiers loading weapons and supplies onto numerous ships. [color=00aeef]"....[b]Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeally[/b] hoping we're done before that happens."[/color]