
Interaction with [@Ponn] [@Qia] [@Crimson Flame]

Quincy beamed with joy as the cups clanged, his own cup earning a small chip in the process - Pro Tip: tea cups aren’t meant for clanging.

He turned his gaze toward his newfound companions, while taking a sip from his empty teacup. They were friends now, weren't they? Perhaps even best friends?

The thought settled in Quincy's mind. Yes, absolutely! They were unquestionably best friends now! He made a mental note to pay a visit to their dreams tonight. The elf, in particular, seemed like they might enjoy a dream of basking as a potted plant in the warm afternoon sun. And of course, Quincy would ensure to add in a clown gardener, maniacally laughing as he trimmed the leaves with his oversized shears. Yes, that sounded like a most delightful dream!

As the fire beneath the teapot roared, the tea within reached its boiling point, causing the teapot to let out a merry whistle. Without a moment's hesitation, Quincy grabbed the teapot's handle and deftly poured its contents. -the first cup being his own. It was a minor oversight in etiquette, but one that didn't escape Ennui's notice, eliciting a resigned sigh from her.

With unbridled eagerness, Quincy wasted no time in taking a sip from his cup despite the tea still being too hot to drink.  [color=a187be]“Mmmm! Delicious!”[/color] he exclaimed with genuine delight. [color=a187be]“Painful too!”[/color]

Ennui couldn't suppress a roll of her eyes as she leaned forward from her perch on Quincy's shoulder. She delicately wafted the steam toward her nose, only to find that the 'tea' lacked any discernible aroma. Casting Quincy a flat stare, she couldn't help but realize that he and his guests were partaking in nothing more than glorified boiled water.

Quincy turned his attention to Zephyr. [color=a187be]”Tell me, friend, do you fancy potted plants?”[/color]