[Center][@Zool][@Zapdos][/center] Gilligan was stunned for a moment at the sheer speed of the tree's growth. Adam didn't even look like he was trying either. Bronze Tier party. Ascended - not sure. Specialization - not sure. It made no sense. Quickly the old man fixed his face back to normal. When the tree was done, Gilligan walked over and rested his palm on the trunk. He could sense no complications with the internal structure. For all intents and purposes, it was perfect. "Hmph," he grunted. "One thing though," Adam said after he was finished, Gilligan turning from the tree to young Druid, "she isn't pointless." Gilligan cast a glance at MacKensie, then back to Adam. "Aw, offend your mommy, did I? Or is she your girly?" Gilligan somehow managed to laugh with an annoyed facial expression. He hobbled a few steps toward them and shook his head with disappointment. "Soft. But not to worry - walking this path will toughen you up... If you survive it." "Can we begin the lesson please?" So, it would actually be a long day. Glee certainly knew how to pick them. Gilligan spoke to MacKensie. "You. Pretty Miss Pointless Distraction. If you're not going to leave then at least go over there." He pointed at the campfire. There was a wooden seat next to it, if the Ranger wanted to sit down. "No talking," he told her. "And you. Adahl," his angry eyes turned back to Adam. "Take that jacket off. And your shirt. And your shoes. Then sit down at the tree and cross your legs." Once he was bare-chested and bare-footed, sat in a meditative position at the tree of his own making, Gilligan began hobbling back and forth in front of him. "Meditation is an important practice that will benefit many Adventurer Classes for different reasons. And Druids are no exception." Without warning, he muttered a spell and blasted Adam with it, the green sphere hitting the younger Druid dead in the chest. It wouldn't hurt, but Adam would feel the impact, and he might feel a little strange. What he wouldn't realise is that his forehead was glowing with a red light. "Close your eyes and search deep within your heart. Find your spirit animal." Gilligan kept pacing, managing to keep his eyes on Adam the whole time. "It's there. Rid yourself of thought. Rid your sense of touch, taste, sight and smell. Hear my words only." And so began a long and difficult process that would last the day. Gilligan was tireless with his walking cane, hobbling up and down, speaking advice to Adam. "Stop thinking about irrelevant nonsense! A day thinking about what could happen, should happen, or what might have been is a day missed." "Nothing beyond this tree matters. But distractions are everywhere, even in your mind. Notice what takes your attention, acknowledge it, and then let it go." "In letting go, we cease trying to make something happen, and then the mind naturally opens. It is like watching a flower grow - free from effort, its petals naturally unfold to reveal its beauty. Reveal your animal spirit. You will know it when you see it. And it will know you." Five hours passed without success. But there were moments when Adam was close, the red light on his forehead teasing to turn green a couple of times. Yes, he would find his spirit animal, even if he had to sit there all night. The sky began to darken......................