[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/D9OBI9j.png[/img][/center] What MacKensie had expected, when the door first opened, was a wise old sagely sort of fellow. Perhaps a little quiet due to being a hermit and what-not. But upon seeing the face of thunderous anger and irritation, the wide-eyed Ranger immediately realised that the owner of this house on the mountain would defy all expectations. "...Not interested." and the door slammed shut, prompting a little gasp from MacKensie who covered her mouth with her fingers from the shock of it all. She looked at Adam who seemed just as stunned as she, then wondered if the trip had all been for nothing. Before either of them spoke or moved, their attention was drawn back to the door as they heard the old man inside calling out. He was on his way back to the door. This time the door was opened all the way to reveal a tall, lithe old elf who looked so filled with contempt, MacKensie thought he might be actually be posionous to the touch! All MacKensie could do was just stand there - an audience to this toxic performance - even when the elf ambled over to her with the help of his walking stick. "And you... look like a Ranger to me." She nodded quickly. "A pointless distraction." Well... okay then... Adam answered his questions patiently, clearly unwilling to stoop to the old elf's level, and MacKensie watched as Adam grew a tree as instructed. Then he attempted to defend her honour, which she appreciated in sentiment, but figured it would only make things worse. And it did, the elf proceeding to mock them both, something that sparked anger and irritation in MacKensie's face now too. She gritted her teeth, lips parting to chastise this disgraceful person, but she held her tongue when Adam tried to just move on and get to the reason he'd come here. The better part of her resolved to stand down and stay out of it, but her face was a picture of offense taken. When she was told to go sit by the fire, she stood staring at him with balled up fists, then turned on her heels, [Colour=Pink]"Hmph!"[/colour] and marched away. The following hours dampened her anger and turned her emotions into fascination, before finally settling on boredom, as she sat watching a whole load of nothing happening. She couldn't even enjoy the views of nature around her because of the old hermit's grating voice filling the air constantly. By the end of the fifth hour, she was stood up and pacing back and forth like the elf, stretching her legs and giving herself a periodic break from the uncomfortable wooden seat. Still, she watched on, hoping Adam would find this spirit animal of his so they could get out of here and be rid of this horrible old hermit.