[center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/h4M4tF5g/generatedtext.png[/img][/center][sub] Interacts with [@Pezz570][@Ponn][@Crimson Flame][/sub] [hr] [indent]As Orion's analytical mind assessed the situation, he couldn't help but appreciate the eccentricity of it all. The elemental realms had always been a place of mysticism and wonder, and this encounter seemed no exception. He nodded in acknowledgment as Lunella offered her greetings, and with a hint of intrigue, he joined in Quincy's imaginative toast. It was not often that he found himself in such a unique company after all, and he recognized the value in embracing the unexpected despite the rough introduction. With his fiery temper momentarily suppressed, Orion decided to introduce himself to their newfound friends. [color=9e0b0f]"I am Orion, a fire Elementalist from the Emberflare enclave,"[/color] he said, his voice carrying the weight of his responsibilities and the gravitas of his mission. [color=9e0b0f]"I have ventured beyond our Elemental Enclave in search of answers and allies to prevent a looming elemental threat."[/color] Orion's gaze shifted to the rubber duck for a moment, a rare hint of amusement dancing in his ember-like eyes. [color=9e0b0f]"It seems the elemental planes are full of surprises, even the most whimsical ones,"[/color] he remarked, acknowledging the absurdity with a wry smile. This encounter was a stark departure from his solemn quest that was for sure, and he couldn't help but relish the moment of levity it offered. though temporary. Quincy's question about potted plants drew Orion's attention then, even though it wasn't directed at him. The fiery elementalist raised an eyebrow, considering the query. [color=9e0b0f]"Potted plants can be quite fascinating, I suppose,"[/color] he replied with a hint of curiosity. [color=9e0b0f]"Though I've always been more drawn to the elemental spirits of fire and the vast expanses of molten lava. But I appreciate the beauty of all aspects of the elemental realms."[/color] His response conveyed his deep connection to the elemental forces he wielded and his unwavering loyalty to the Emberflare enclave.[/indent]