[hr][hr][center][img]https://i.postimg.cc/SR52k84p/54b4e63d635603b22d80f72a4ba2be54.png[/img][hr][img]https://media.tenor.com/81TYwkhtRmYAAAAC/avengers-ready.gif[/img][hr][@BlueSky44][@Nallore][@Trainerblue192][@Achronum][@PatientBean][@Forsythe][@Blizz][@Kirah][@Natsu][hr][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]Round One - Mon. Oct. 18th, 2038 - Margaret Carter Institute[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr][color=AC3EFF]Training Room A[/color] Excelsior (villains) vs the Mighty Marvels (heroes) Ser Nemo vs Jack of Harts Judges - the Black Knight, Crystal of the Inhumans, Shang-Chi [hider=Rosters]Excelsior - Sabine Bassard (junior) Zelda Flynn (freshman) Dorian Gray (junior) Danni Kingston (junior) Percy Novikov (freshman) Mighty Marvels - Arsène Lane (senior) (he/him) Emily Colter (sophomore) (she/they) Paul Feigenbaum (senior) (he/him) Xènia Papadopoulos (senior) (she/her) Salah Qadir (sophomore) (they/them)[/hider] [color=AC3EFF]Training Room B[/color] Uncanny Avengers (villains) vs the Unity Squad (heroes) Usagi vs Tigra Judges - She-Hulk, Blade, Rogue [hider=Rosters]Uncanny Avengers - Edward Acra (senior) (he/him) Leah Jordan (junior) Diana Novikova (junior) Zari Raynordattir (junior) Victoria van Dyne (junior) The Unity Squad - Momchil Angelov (senior) (they/them) Sveva Akerman (freshman) (she/her) Jyoti Singh (sophomore) (she/her) Rada Sternberg (freshman) (she/her) Abby Smith (freshman) (they/them)[/hider] [color=AC3EFF]Training Room C[/color] The Huntresses (villains) vs the New Defenders (heroes) Lady Nimue vs Brunnhilde Judges - Iron Man, the Hulk, Black Widow [hider=Rosters]The Huntresses - Madalyne Crane (sophomore) Andy Gallio-Lensherr (junior) April Flynn (junior) Mary Sue Sullivan (Freshman) Gideon Muir (senior) (she/her) the New Defenders Megan Pendragon (freshman) (she/her) Enya Mac Suibhne (freshman) (she/they) Neferkare Ali (freshman) (he/any) Theda Papadopoulos (senior) (she/her) Michaela Jones (senior) (she/her)[/hider][hr][center][h3][color=AC3EFF][b]Uncanny Avengers[/b][/color][/h3][/center][hr] Momchil was still out for the count, as was Sveva. That left then Jyoti, Rada, and Abby. The heroes were finding themselves with their backs pressed to the walls a bit, and Rada decided it was time to take off the kid gloves. She had only demonstrated one of her powers so far. Well, one [i]application[/i] of them really. And with her bestie unconscious and Momchil no help, it was time to show a far more serious one. The Valkyrie had tried to attack her with her sword, and missed, but it meant she was the closest opponent. Rada also heard how Leah clearly unhinged about Vicky potentially being in danger, so Rada exploited that. "A sword-fight? Cool, let me get my sword," she said. She reached out with her hand and the next thing Vicky knew, she was being pulled across the room to Rada. Vicky would try to do her hand-to-hand, but her suit had been immobilized. "Swing!" Rada shouted, before swinging her arms like she was trying to hit a baseball. Vicky then went colliding into Zari, Zari would manage to block with her sword however. Vicky would end up hitting the ground. The very ground that, thanks to Leah's manipulations, was ever so sticky. It wasn't quite quicksand just yet, more like slightly dried mud, but it was enough to slow down most people's movements. Abby, meanwhile, was trying to siphon some power from anything they could. Despite Leah's warnings, they had every intention of sucking power away from Vicky's suit, but the pain from the nearly cracked ribs was distracting. They couldn't quite get a lock onto Vicky. Consequently then, no alarms were sounding off. Jyoti had made it all the way to the end-zone now - the earth cage that surrounded the hostage. It helped when you could fly and command the weather, there was no need for her to touch the ground. As she arrived, she frowned, narrowing her eyes at the strange devices all over the cage. And then she locked eyes with Arcade. "Hey, you! What are these?" "Uh... A bagel?" Arcade wheezed, still in a lot of pain from both Vicky and Leah and Abby slamming into him not too long ago. Jyoti's eyes narrowed. Lightning struck the ground, just inches away from Arcade. "Try again."[hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=42A9FF]April Flynn[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/2b/0a/93/2b0a9358189229cfe46020b75a8fc358.gif[/img][hr][b][color=42A9FF]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room C [b][color=42A9FF]Skills:[/color][/b] Hydrokinesis [hr][hr][/center] In the pool, April was [i]finally[/i] getting the upper hand. Most of the locks and whatnot they were taught at the academy applied to people with a standard number and assortment of appendages, but there were a few that she found worked excellently on a selkie. She had twisted Enya's arms behind her back in such a way that any application of pressure caused extreme pain. And with her opponent temporarily immobilized, April kicked their way up to the surface, dragging Enya along. The two broke up above the water, and April instinctively gasped for air. [color=42A9FF]"Fudding hell,"[/color] she cursed. Her nose was [i]definitely[/i] broken. And it burned from the chlorine of the pool. She tried to get a glimpse of what was going on all around them, but she was having a hard time understanding it all. It looked like Gideon and Andy were teaming up and.... she didn't know how to describe what was going on with Mary Sue. Not that she had much time to think about it, as Enya took advantage of her momentary distraction and broke free from April's bind. Meanwhile, Megan was twitching slightly from the electric shock that Andy had given her - but by the gods, the freak seemed to [i]enjoy[/i] it. "Harder, next time," Megan requested with a smirk. Gideon of course was more than happy to oblige, restarting the sword fight before Megan had even gotten back up to her feet. She didn't even seem to really recognize that Andy was still there, so obsessed with attacking her target. Then, there was the group with the golem. Michaela had a firm hold of it, despite the eyepatch covering her eye or the chain around her leg connecting her to Mary Sue. Mads' shield spell formed like a bubble layer around the hostage. Michaela frowned, clenching her hands tighter on the shield. It was like the shield was suddenly hit with a huge influx of energy, but somehow, it was still holding. "This won't stop us from saving the day - we're heroes, [i]you're[/i] villains, and villains always lose," Michaela declared. Theda still had Mary Sue in a strong lock. If she had been able to speak, she would've just used her voice to force Mary Sue to drop the constructs. Instead, she went for something more violent. She had one hand holding onto Mary Sue, and with her free hand, she struck Mary Sue in the back of the head, aiming to knock the other girl unconscious. Mary Sue would see stars, it would hurt, but she wouldn't black out. [hider=Ongoing Effects]Megan - she draws ire and hate, bringing out those negative emotions and causing people to focus on attacking her in a fight [list][*]Madalyne Crane: Feeling anger and hate, but not blinded [*]Andy Gallio-Lensherr: Feeling anger and hate, but not blinded [*]April Flynn: Not impacted [*]Mary Sue Sullivan: Feeling anger and hate, but not blinded [*]Gideon Muir: Blinded by her anger and hate [/list] Theda Papadopoulos - she is a siren, her voice will drive you to madness, seducing you with what you want most [list][*]Madalyne Crane: Not impacted [*]Andy Gallio-Lensherr: Not impacted [*]April Flynn: Not impacted [*]Mary Sue Sullivan: Not impacted [*]Gideon Muir: Not impacted [/list][/hider][hr][hr][center][h3][b][color=ed1c24]Percy Novikov[/color][/b][/h3][img]https://64.media.tumblr.com/5908331ec0b49a380a9c956f183679b4/3b2fd09da33ce029-24/s400x600/b3bf361ddcf40d23e95ba393968305ec799fe0c3.gif[/img][hr][b][color=ed1c24]Location:[/color][/b] Gym - Training Room A [b][color=ed1c24]Skills:[/color][/b] N/A [hr][hr][/center] Percy grinned slightly, hearing Dorian's familiar accent coming out of Arsène's mouth. He was standing next to Sabine, safely behind the force field, but [i]not[/i] within the fire circle, where Danni and the hostage were. For Danni to adjust his position when Sabine took down the force field, he'd have to mess with the fire circle as well. And right before Percy could teleport out of the circle, he watched with wide eyes as some friendly fire happened - as Zelda's golem sent Arsène/Dorian flying backwards. Percy's grin vanished. [color=ed1c24]"I'm surrounded by morons,"[/color] he hissed. Sabine had made some mental edits, including one to Arsène, but as Dorian was still inhabiting Arsène's body, the effect has not yet taken hold. However, Sabine had dove into Salah's mind, and convinced them to essentially feel like giving up and quitting. They didn't want to be doing this anyways. Salah huffed, taking another look at the golem, before deciding it wasn't worth it and they started to walk away to the other side of the room. "What the hell!" Paul shouted. "Em, stop them!" "On it!" Emily said brightly. [i]Sorry, do you mind holding for one sec?[/i] Emily whispered in Zelda's mind. They turned their attention towards Salah then, diving in and trying to figure out what was happening. She wasn't an amazing telepath, but she could do a few things, and she set to work trying to undo Sabine's mental tampering. Xènia, of course, was still unconscious. [hider=Ongoing Effects]Xènia Papadopoulos - she is a siren, her voice will drive you to madness, seducing you with what you want most [list][*]Sabine Bassard - Not impacted [*]Zelda Flynn - Not impacted [*]Dorian Gray - Not impacted [*]Danni Kingston - Not impacted [*]Percy Novikov - Not impacted [*]Arsène Lane - Not impacted [*]Emily Colter - Not impacted [*]Paul Feigenbaum - Not impacted [*]Salah Qadir - Feeling adoration and longing, but not blinded [/list][/hider]