[@Estylwen] Finally finished! @__@;;;; Just let me know if you need more or want something changed. [hider=My Character Sheet] Name: Nicholas James Claude Bergman Age: 23 Gender: cis male Appearance: Dirty blonde, bright blue eyes, heart shaped face, caucasian, 5'9", 150lbs, medium build, active slim, three 3' long claw mark on right hip that's often mistaken for a tattoo Augmentation: N/A Personality: Relatively calm. Stays to himself and prefers to work alone (or that's what he'll tell you). Can come across as cranky, bitchy, or overbearing... particularly if angered. Does not work well with others. May come across as Bipolar. Defining Trait: Reliable Backstory: Lives paycheck to paycheck. Nick prefers to be affected the same as everybody else, regarding economic inflation and lack of stable work. Despite spouse making 6 figures a year. Has previously stayed with facilities and companies his spouse (A Louvre Museum on-the-field Archeologist, Monsieur Thierry Claude James de Villiers, turned Administrative Assistant) has ties to, but has since formed a desire to prove his own self-worth, despite spouse's slight disapproval. Skills: Nick is an on-the-field Archeologist and has been since [redacted]. Specializes in Ruin Exploration (off grid survival) that often requires self protection from [redacted]. While he can, Urban Exploration is only on the table if pay is good. He's well versed in MMA, weaponry, parkour and endurance training, therefore doubling as a bodyguard for any artifacts he collects. He has decent knowledge of vehicular mechanics and can stand in as an IT technician, but has limited knowledge in computer science. Able to speak French, but not fluent. Inventory: Utility Watch made from a Pequignet wrist watch: ROYALE SAPHIR PHANTOM. It holds 20 individual physical objects, but has byte size and physical size limitation. Meant for smaller usage items ex: guns, ammo, rations and temp storage for artifacts. It was his spouse's first Utility Watch, granted for field work from The Louvre Museum. It's considered archaic by today's storage standards. Has an engraved inscription, [i]Toujours[/i] on the inside of the strap. Any other gear is facility given. [/hider]