Adam got up like Gilligan said to, listening to his further instructions. [i]Fight a bear? With no magic? Is he actually insane?[/i] Even in his former world, people without a death wish did [b]not[/b] look for that sort of experience. The younger man opened his eyes, ready to say something, but was interrupted by the sight of the bear and the sound of it growling and charging at him. [i]Oh dear God I have to live somehow,[/i] he thought in a panic, narrowly dodging the first strike. The second attempt was far more successful, with the result being pain in the shoulder and a trip to the floor. [i]Never mind, I guess this is how I die.[/i] He glanced over at MacKensie momentarily before deciding [i]no, I have to at least try[/i] as the beast attempted to go for his head. The Druid somehow dodged the attack, rolling to the side as the bear's claw made contact with the dirt instead of his skin. Getting up, Adam wasn't sure what the best idea for fighting a spirit animal was, but it wasn't giving the thing time to maul him. And maybe any magic would power up his enemy or something. Instead, he charged at the beast, attempting to punch it in the face. It was a move made out of desperation to be sure, and it even showed on his face as he did so, but it was better than nothing.