[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker, Tyrion and Eren made their way to the shooting range which was set up by some guards outside the gate which led to the ‘Church of Iris’. Eren always listened out for the guards' latest news about such events. So Tyrion informed him that maybe if Anne was told, Barracker could be notified, to take the two of them with him to the shooting range. Eren was overjoyed at the notion of showing off his skills to Tyrion and Barracker. He was set on becoming an adventurer when he became older and joining a party with Tyrion as their leader and Isabella as their cleric. Barracker saw his childhood self in Eren’s statement, as he had tried the same thing around his age. History would repeat itself. Eren turned his back to the way he was heading, lightly bouncing on the tip of his toes. “You wait Barracker, I’ve been practising for a long time now, a long time. Tell him, Tyrion, what shots i’ve been making.“ Before Tyrion spoke up, Eren butt straight back in, “a bullseye”. Tyrion gave Barracker the nod of approval. Eren's face was beaming with joy. [Colour=Green]“Very good Eren, practising will make your aim true.”[/colour] Barracker replied back. [Colour=Green]“Where do you get the practice in”.[/colour] Tyrion interrupted this time, “Oh, I built a target out of a bed cover and tied it around a wooden pole and a tree. The archery equipment I spent my coin on, from the newspaper handouts.” Barracker looked at Tyrion and clasped his arm on his shoulder. [Colour=Green]“Looking after everyone as always, I see.”[/colour] As Barracker raised his head back up, they had arrived at the shooting range. People had already been shooting arrows into their targets, It was a mix of guards and adventurers practising their skills. Barracker and Tyrion stood out of the way and watched, keeping an eye on Eren, watching him queue with the adventurers so he felt like one of them. Tyrion shouted good luck, and Eren gave him a salute. Once he was at the practice target Tyrion cheered him on. Each hit missed but adjusting with each nocked arrow, he pulled and released, coming closer to the target until one hit, just catching the side of the target. Eren immediately started celebrating in joy. Tyrion and Barracker gave a salute, Eren replied with his own.