[center][color=f49ac2][h3]Liliana[/h3][/color][/center] [hr][@Breakthrough Crew!] After the party thankfully said that Io zombifying an entire fort was a bad idea and maybe even a bit of a "moral evil", or even a "violation of human rights and ethics", and the Shizuka brothers made friends with one another, it was time for them to execute the plan! Hiding within the sake shipment, Liliana was more than capable of simply hiding between the large containers, so even if the others were spotted, she could...do...something? ...She didn't really think the plan B part through all the way, and Ayu also didn't seem sure on where she should go so...Liliana figured she'd pipe up. [color=f49ac2][b]"Miss Ayu, I think you should stay with Shizuka. If anything goes wrong, you might be able to send a message or something, and be our eyes on the outside. At least, that's what I think. I'm not the best planner, but we're all a lot tougher than a normal person. If you got hurt, Takeshi would be super sad."[/b][/color] With her piece said though, the fairy would shrink down and sit beside the shipment, ready to get the ball rolling. [hr] [center][color=C48BD3][h3]Eula[/h3][/color][/center] [hr][@Enkryption],[@Rezod92] After her heart-to-generator with Kerry, Eula would join her in exiting the tent only to find the entire temple area had been reconstructed, with a bevy of beverages and tarts laid out in a whimsical fashion. Eula had never been to the Wonderlands, but she could recognize the spontaneous banquet was probably caused by the present Mad Hatter. Or at least, she had to assume she was that, given their fashionable foppish floppy hat. Smelling the freshly conjured tarts and hearing the discourse of the humans assuming the worst, Eula would take a seat at a table and politely lift one of the "dangerous" tarts to her lips, [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F5JpMNJkcco]taking a bite before her malfunctioning eye sparked a bit, her functioning eye lighting up[/url]. [color=C48BD3][b]"Analyzing composition...mm! Finely made flour, salt, lard, chilled butter, golden syrup, lemon zest, heavy cream, eggs, and...apricot jam,"[/b][/color] the automaton happily said. After that one bite she couldn't help herself from devouring the rest of the tart in one bite, wiping her mouth with a nearby napkin. [color=C48BD3][b]"Not an ounce of wonderland magic was used in this, beyond its creation. As such, I can judge this to be 100% safe for human consumption,"[/b][/color] she said, standing after Alice's speech. [color=C48BD3][b]"Please, Sorae. If you can't trust her, then trust those yokai who stood in defense of this temple,"[/b][/color] Eula said, washing down the apricot tart with a cup of black tea, approaching Sorae and looking her in the eyes. [color=C48BD3][b]"I know nothing about this woman, but Wonderland magic would certainly disrupt my internal systems if I ingested enough to harm humans. Your people are strong, but I can see that they're afraid. Of what comes next. Of what the future holds. I can promise that as many as I can protect will survive, but...surviving isn't enough."[/b][/color] Turning towards the conjured banquet, Eula would gesture towards it with her free, un-bound arm, the almost-formerly-detached one resting in a sling. [color=C48BD3][b]"Foreign treats from a land they'll never see. A reprieve from the fighting and fear. A chance to know the world itself doesn't want this place to fall. ...That much, is what this woman is promising. So please...let them do more than survive,"[/b][/color] Eula said, and, having said her peace, would grab another tart and bite into it, smiling warmly. [color=C48BD3][b]"...This one has blackberry jam..."[/b][/color] she said, perhaps happier looking than she'd ever been since coming here as she felt the sweet taste of fruits, and the golden crust of baked goods melt in her mouth. Alice and Kerry were off to the hot springs, and as such that would just leave Eula and Carroll, the former wondering when the latter intended to finish the crusts of her tarts.