[h1][b][i][color=FF9A4F][center]Leah Jordan[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/ktEJkOK.png[/img][/center][center][/center][hr][center][color=FF9A4F][b]Location[/b][/color]: Training Room B [color=FF9A4F][b]Gear[/b][/color]: Combat armor, rune pouch [color=FF9A4F][b]Skills[/b][/color]: Hand-to-Hand Combat [url=https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.pinimg.com%2Foriginals%2Fde%2Fda%2Fc5%2Fdedac51f8c5ff1cd7eb1ad2e154ed6e8.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=25f8efd3be0a99fda7bde9aeacbe5725cd92cea092c495c177d4acebab00eaac&ipo=images]Today’s Fit[/url][/center] [hr][hr] It was a good thing that Vicky called out her safety to Leah. She didn't have to spring for what Leah was affectionately calling Plan Z for the time being, and best of all, the enemy team seemed to miss the last part. Leah was preparing to move and work on crowd control when she saw Vicky suddenly flying forward into the reach of Rada, only to be flung far back and be wallbanged off of Zari. Some-fucking-how, Zari was still standing despite being his by Ultron's little sister. It must've been her divine bullshit shining through and being useful for once. Either way, they'd both live. She heard a bolt of lightning crack, and turned to see Ed and Jyoti bickering, just in time for Diana to fire an arrow up at Jyoti's leg. She was taken care of, Abby was still reeling, and that left one person in particular for Leah to deal with. The one person on their team that Leah knew she didn't need to hold back against. With those two out of the way, it meant that there was a clear shot between Leah and Rada. Honestly, it was perfect timing. The mud was beginning to make the terrain difficult, and it was [i]her[/i] terrain. She brought the course events down this road, and supported her team as best she could. They had all fought to a breaking point now, with the heroes having two people out for the count and one struggling to breathe. Their spirit was faltering, Leah could see that with Rada's sudden change in tactics. Perhaps it would be foolish, and perhaps Vicky would give her hell for it later, but she felt like she was in the best situation to take out Rada. Someone had to apply pressure. If they let the “heroes” find their footing, they could regroup and hit with cohesion. So, Leah [i]charged.[/i] She blitzed the tin woman, struggling to keep her balance on the slowly worsening mud slick she created, and leapt into the air. Her feet went up into a drop kick. Her metal boots slammed straight into Rada’s shoulder, with a loud [i]CLANG[/i] and Leah felt a jolt of pain shoot up her side. It wasn’t a pulled muscle, but she’d likely be feeling that for fucking days. It was like getting hit by a crowbar, and Leah hit the dirt, realizing that Rada just absorbed every last joule of energy she could work up. Worst of all, she saw her hair whip across Rada’s face as she fell. She was unphased by it. [i]Fuck.[/i] Leah quickly slammed her hands together, in an attempt to cause a sinkhole to form under Rada’s feet. But the mud being soaked with water made her grasp on things difficult. For the same reason Leah knew she couldn’t apply her powers to lava, the mud didn’t split into a chasm under Rada’s feet. It did, however, turn to sand. Sand that would eventually become more mud. That was tolerable at the very least, since someone that heavy would probably sink quicker. Hindsight was 20/20, and in hindsight, this was just a gamble. A gamble that Leah should have made sure she was prepared to lose, because she just lost it in arm’s reach of Rada. She couldn’t resort to blows with someone like this- Leah was a tank and Rada was an aircraft carrier. She had to stay back and think of a better strategy. Leah could outsmart an opponent, but not like this. But if she turned and ran, Rada would just pull her back. She had Rada’s attention, so she needed to keep it. [color=ff9a4f]”Let me guess… Vibranium?”[/color] While she tried to “distract” Rada, Leah steadily tried to reach deeper into the ground than the rain had soaked. The bedrock was stone and concrete, not sand. If she could force some of it to spire up, it could make the terrain worse for Rada… And give Leah something else to work with that wasn’t the distant wall. [color=ff9a4f]”My hair shreds most metals like foam, and you’re fine. That’s impressive.”[/color] She moved into a boxer stance, hoping it would provoke the girl’s confidence in a fist fight. [hider=Held roll] Leah is trying to buy time to dig up some solid stone from beneath the mud, and shape it around Rada to form a cage like the golem. She wants the cage to be a little claustrophobic, if possible, to give Rada less chance to swing her arms at full momentum. Calling battlefield manip for this [/hider]