[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/fsAyQMM.png[/img][/center] [color=DodgerBlue]“It is a most sincere pleasure to meet you, Orion,”[/color] Lunella told the fiery elementalist with a demure bow after he had introduced himself. [color=DodgerBlue]“I pray the moons’ light may guide you to find the answers you seek.”[/color] After Quincy had poured her tea, Lunella waited a few moments for it to cool, before taking a careful sip. Strangely, the “tea” seemed to be markedly lacking in flavor, almost to the point that the young Lunatic couldn’t help but wonder if it was simply heated water. Regardless, their host appeared to greatly enjoy it, the sound of Quincy’s gleeful declaration of its deliciousness bringing a small smile to Lunella’s tranquil countenance. [color=DodgerBlue]“Um, perhaps if you allowed it to cool, it would not hurt as much,”[/color] she tentatively suggested in her usual calm and soft spoken voice, although, by this point, Quincy seemed to have moved on to other things, in particular, a discussion on potted plants. He was certainly an amusing fellow, Lunella reflected, although she imagined the task of watching over him was quite the chore, causing her to feel a twinge of sympathy for the Dreamweaver’s small familiar. As the talk of plants continued, Lunella decided to make her own small contribution to the discussion. [color=DodgerBlue]“I, myself, am particularly fond of moon flowers,”[/color] she shared, placing a delicate hand over her heart and closing her eyes as a serene smile graced her gentle visage. [color=DodgerBlue]“The lunar butterflies they attract glow in the most enchanting manner.”[/color]