[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lillianna[/color][/b][/h1][/center] As Simon led her to where her sought-after informatin lied, as it were, the mage felt some relief at the fact the man seemed to be well enough used to being asked about such things. Or at least was familiar enough with the Library and willing to guide her to what she needed here. Albeit she didn't know what particular information she might run into within the realm of 'combatting spirits' as it were, so she would have to see if she could find something particularly useful to try to pick up first before their journey. Would it be some spell to scare off undead? Would it be something to harm spirits? Would it be something useful in capturing or containing them? She had no clue of all the potentiatlities, though as an aside she did seem to have freed the poor younger man Simon had been talking to from his professorial prison. [quote]"So..." he said over his shoulder. "A new student, you say. Are you an adventurer or just a researcher? For your sake, I hope you're not a Cleric." [/quote] [color=gold]"An adventurer and intellectual alike. No, not a Cleric thank goodness, though my party has one as our party leader."[/color] James wasn't a bad guy, and she had agreed he was perhaps the most fit among the group members to be the leader as well. The head. The face of the group. Whatever term one wanted to use for it. She couldn't imagine being at the whims of local deities just to be able to do anything on her end, though, but such had been the fate of James regardless it seemed. Or something of the sort. Wasn't that how Clerics worked in effect? [quote] "These two books should give you a broad perspective on the subject." He handed them to her. "But for combatting spirits specifically, I'd suggest you get to grips with your Spirit Bolt spell. It's pretty easy to get the hang of, but there's some tricks that will speed up your casting and reduce the cost of your energy, enabling you to fire more often without getting too fatigued." [/quote] The mage would grab the books as she tried to cradle them in her one free arm, letting them be stacked up and the weight of them rest back on her body in the meantime. Not something she wasn't unaccustomed to doing, yes, when carrying her latest finds from the local library back home or to the car to carry back. Not that they had much of a library for the subjects she'd wanted to look into back there, but...well it was certianly better then going back to a college campus library in some ways. Even so, she would follow the man into the adjoining study room with some sense of relief as she got to finally place the stack of books down on a provided table. Carying books was normal, so she hadn't really reacted to it all. Carrying them with a magical staff of some kind in her other hand and not having it free to help her carry things was another one. More difficult, but another challenge she felt was going to be more normalized in this new world perhaps. She would at least take a look at the book the man opened, and lean her staff against the table gingerly before returning to the opened pages of the tome to read. Yet...even then she wasn't going to get the chance to just 'read' yet, was she? Ugh. Part of her just wanted to settle down with the books for a comfortable bit. Even so, she sought to maintain a polite front as the man instructed her to 'test things out' on him for a moment and she nodded back silently and moved to acquiese to his request. Could she really do that already though? She hadn't even- [quote]"It should already be sitting in your mind somewhere, just think for a second." When she was ready, he walked ten paces away from her and turned to face her. "Fire a Spirit Bolt at me. Don't worry, I'll block it with a Magic Ward."[/quote] Fine! Fine. It should be fine, right? Things did work different enough here, as she'd seen so far. And, eh, he had a defensive ward of some kind to use at least. Not like she'd cause any damage to the room in such a case if someone who knew this place well was so comfortable making that request like this on the fly. Not that some student couldn't perhaps go too far in such a thing and damage the building....maybe. Mundane students had back home without magic well enough at times, it seemed, so in a world of magic she hoped the place was well-prepared if nothing else. The mage held out her hand at the man, whose name she hadn't even asked for yet, before taking a calming breath and trying to concentrate. Spirit Bolt. [i]Spirit Bolt[/i]. [b][i]Spirit Bolt[/i][/b]. She tried tapping into the information on magic she had in her head, but something didn't quite seem right. There was no 'Spirit Bolt' coming from her extended hand, and neither was there the 'Spirit Bolt' information stitting in her head as she'd been told would be the case. Pulling back her extended arm and hand to look at it more closely, the mage raised an eyebrow at it all as she tried to peruse her mental library for something. Anything like unto 'Spirit Bolt' at this point. Maybe if she expanded the search beyond just specifically 'Spirit Bolt' she could find something? [color=gold]"Something's not quite right here-....hmm?"[/color] Huh. 'Spirit Gun'. Not 'bolt', but 'gun'. What in the world was that?! It was peculiar, if not abnormal, compared to what she should have had availible perhaps. At the same time it was curious enough she felt like attempting to give it a try if nothing else. So the mage extended her arm back again toward Simon, this time her hand adopting the pose of a somewhat silly 'finger gun'. Not that she knew if anyone in this world had such a concept compared to the firearm-using world of Earth. Hmm. Either way she didn't want to just do something out of the blue without fair warning to the person on the other end. [color=gold]"Well, I can't find 'Spirit Bolt' but it seems something else of an equivalent is there instead in my mind. Ah, let me see if this works....ahem: Spirit Gun!"[/color] It felt silly, and yet unlike her attempts to use a 'Spirit Bolt' this one seemed to bear fruit of some kind for her efforts. At the tip of the extended pointer finger (or 'barrel' of her finger gun) A small swirl of magical energy seemed to coalesce around the tip of her finger very rapidly, and for but a moment, before a pale white and almost misty-looking magical projectile 'fired' off straight and true toward the other man. ...If nothing else, it all had a very anime-esque vibe to how it worked. What it would do in effect she would see in a moment as Simon tried to defend himself with the aforementioned ward (hopefully sucessfully).