[color=FFFF00][b]Chaos[/b][/color]. Energy. Countless colours jittering and writhing amongst themselves. Dots of prismatic wrath clipped through one another as they bolted back and forth throughout the maddening plane. The turmoil rolled over itself again and again without any seeming end. 

Suddenly, a call sounded through the chaos, reverberating through the thick soup of colour. Its noise sending the dots into a frenzy as they vibrated with a growing intensity. They darted around, beginning to smash into one another, consuming their forms in furious explosions. From them shot prismatic shards that collided with each other, causing more and more explosions. The energy began to collect, driving together by the explosions, twisting itself into something that could be more akin to a shape. 

One final explosion erupted amongst the primordial colours, sending a cascade of shifting change throughout the energy. In its wake the energy had ever so slightly calmed, it still jittered and clipped amongst itself, but now it was in a more identifiable shape, with limbs and shapes more like a standing creature. With its shape now formed, the Chaos had begun to think as well. It still felt that call that had caused it to emerge, it knew what it needed to do. 

It raised one of its hands, pressing it up against the void that sat all around it. It knew it just needed to jitter at [i]just[/i] that right point and-

Success! Its hand popped through the void, now just to get the rest of itself through. Its jittering let it continue to clip beyond the void, slowly pushing the rest of its arm past, giving it an in to pop past the barrier and enter into where it was being summoned. And it was, yet another void, wonderful. 

It looked around in all directions, trying to find the source of what had called it. Soon enough it did, a scroll that sat silently within the endless void, the scent of other divine beings clearly upon it. With a hop, skip, and jump the Chaos drew closer to the scroll. What did such a tiny piece of paper want with it? It had summoned it forth but, why? 

As it stood there contemplating, the Chaos’ attention was drawn elsewhere, towards a shining web that cascaded throughout the endless void. It was certainly a far more beautiful sight than the void. It couldn’t help but stare at the web, trying to find where its veins began and where they stopped. 

So lost in thought was it, that it barely noticed its energy begin to drip from its form. Suddenly, it felt a section detach, dropping down upon the scroll that sat right next to it. Staining its pages with a glob of prismatic ink that quickly seeped in. Chaos did not know how to react, and so it merely stepped a few steps away from the scroll. Looking up, it noticed a change amongst the great web, one vein now stood out amongst the rest. Its strain was now an endless shifting array of colours, constantly clipping around the endless void in sudden changes of its path. Frankly it thought it looked much nicer like that. 

It looked around once more, well, it had figured out what had called it. So it figured it was done here. It walked away, traveling deeper into the void, it was really hoping there was pie around here. It could really go for some pie. 

[hider=Chaos Summary]
Chaos is here! The summon call of the Khodex brought forth the endless turmoil that Chaos was, giving it just enough thought to compress together into something more, god-like. After a brief clipping through the dev’s janky coding, Chaos(not yet Yumash) finds itself in the proper void, and quickly discovers both the Khodex and the Vein of the Cosmos. Both things it manages to totally mess up, spilling some Chaos on the Khodex which corrupts one of the Veins. Deciding its job is done, the Chaos heads off, hoping to find some pie.

[hider=MP Sum]
-4mp: Spent on spilling some Chaos on the Khodex and making the Vein of Chaos