It was interesting

He had not considered how his disguise would adapt to the addition of his own shawl, but the adaptation was seamless, the moment he fixed it atop his shoulders it was replaced with Mac cape [i](Did he have it beforehand?)[/i], maybe the blessing worked on his own perception as he always considered the shawl as part of his outfit even if he was not wearing it, that and it was interesting that it adapted to the same category of accessory as the cape was. A thought, would this happen with everything he tried to wear atop the disguise? An answer, no, he asked the tailor for a simple hat and it didn't meld like the shawl, it just was an addition, further proof that the blessing was at least semi-anchored to some sort of discerning mechanism.

"Eh, how about Barracker's armour: Pretty fucking cool, if you ask me.  He looks like a right badass in it."  The vampire certainly had the best-looking gear out of all them, taking Fenna's spot, who was previously 1st place.  "I wouldn't mind getting a hood sewn onto my armour.  I'll pass on the face mask though.  A little claustrophobic for my tastes."
[color=df73ff]"I think it would be useful but won't it be bad if someone were to grab you by it in a fight?"[/color] He mimicked the motion [color=df73ff]"Like, imagine you were doing some of your swordsmanship stuff and someone just yanked you by it"[/color] Then he narrowed his eyes [color=df73ff]"I guess you could teleport but does it work if someone is grabbing you? It would be funny if you were teleported but your clothes didn't"[/color] He snorted at the mental image. it would be bad if that really happened but it was an amusing scenario nonetheless, classic Zell.

He exited the store after paying and thanking the tailor [color=df73ff]"Also, I can't see myself using armor as heavy as yours or Kass' you guys are fucking tall in comparison"[/color] The idea of him in full plate with extra ornaments was not something that he was willing to bring into existence [color=df73ff]"Speaking of equipment, you planning to use [i]that[/i] sword?"[/color] He gave a sideglance to the taller man [color=df73ff]"Just curious if you know how to use it as well as your other one, God knows I have no fucking idea how to use this thing"[/color] He gestured to the anchor on his back [color=df73ff]"I, well I don't think I have quite the strength necessary to toss it at enemies the same way... Anyway, any suggestions? Oh resident master swordmaster?"[/color]