[center][url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] James' illusion continued to impress. Zell had seen the Cleric put the shawl on, then only glanced away before looking back to see it had disappeared beneath the magical veil of Sillagy's blessing. Zell looked at the tailor, who surely must've seen the shawl disappear and who also carried on as if everything were normal. It was another reminder of how crazy this world was. [i]Nothing to see here, folks, just a FUCKING GODDESS' BLESSING![/i] Zell chuckled at the thought. [color=df73ff]"I think it would be useful but won't it be bad if someone were to grab you by it in a fight?"[/color] James mimicked the motion and Zell grimaced. [color=df73ff]"Like, imagine you were doing some of your swordsmanship stuff and someone just yanked you by it"[/color] "Stop ruining my fantasies with your logic, brainiac," Zell folded his arms defiantly. "And anyway, I'd be too fast. Did you see my footwork in that last battle? Bloody sublime, if I do say so myself." [color=df73ff]"I guess you could teleport but does it work if someone is grabbing you? It would be funny if you were teleported but your clothes didn't"[/color] Zell laughed at the imagery. Surely that wouldn't be the case, but hell; it would be hilarious if it happened. Then Zell realised something: He could actually bring the teleport ability to the forefront of his mind. Using Adam's advice - now that he knew how to 'apply magical energy to his will' - he could actually analyse the spell in it's totality. He stood by his friend, distracted for a few moments as his mind wandered and he figured out that he could teleport three times per day, a distance of fifteen feet or less. But the power only worked for himself and his possessions, so he couldn't use the power to move with an ally. [i]And[/i] he was safe from sudden nudity. The swordsman gave a thumbs up to the shopkeeper in sync with James' thanks, then led out onto the street and looked both ways to reorient himself northbound, his snail pace returning to normal walking speed once James fell into step beside him and continued on from the previous topic of conversation. [color=df73ff]"Also, I can't see myself using armor as heavy as yours or Kass' you guys are fucking tall in comparison"[/color] [i]Kass. I like that.[/i] "Hey, if you've a strong enough back to carry that anchor around, you'd have no problem wearing decent armour." Truth be told, James was a lot stronger than he looked. He'd been lugging Arthur's old weapon around since the older man had gotten himself killed saving all of their lives. It was a touching tribute and Zell respected James' decision, but he was still surprised that his friend could handle such a weight with seemingly little trouble. [color=df73ff]"Speaking of equipment, you planning to use [i]that[/i] sword?"[/color] "Huh?" The black sword appeared in his mind. "Oh," he realised. "Err, yeah... why not? It's bloody powerful, you know. I was going to give it to Joji, seeing as he is familiar with katanas, but I've not seen that man since we registered the party. I'm not sure where he went or if he'll be back in time for tomorrow, so I'll be using the sword. For the next mission, at the very least. I can't turn down that kind of power. Not after having to watch Clive and Arthur be killed. I'll die twice before I have to go through that again, and I don't plan on dying again anytime soon, so acquiring more power is the only option." [i]Take Vor, Baphomet.[/i] "Whatever the risks," Zell added ominously. [color=df73ff]"Just curious if you know how to use it as well as your other one, God knows I have no fucking idea how to use this thing"[/color] Zell grinned at both ideas - the questioning of his skills with anything that even resembled a sword was laughable, and the thought of their resident healer charging into the front line swinging the anchor like an olympian was also comedy gold. [color=df73ff]"I, well I don't think I have quite the strength necessary to toss it at enemies the same way... Anyway, any suggestions? Oh resident master swordmaster?"[/color] "Resident sword master..." Zell rubbed his chin. "I quite like the sound of that title. I was thinking, 'Valhiem's heart-throb' but 'Resident sword master' is a little more professional." They crossed over the river, leaving the Bazaar area and moving into the warehouse district. "But anyway; if I was you, hmmmmm... I would take it to Gildor Hammerfist - the best blacksmith in Valhiem - and have the anchor refashioned into a [i]Lucerne Hammer[/i]. It's a much lighter, one-handed weapon that looks like a pickaxe, except you could choose between blunt-force or stabbing depending on which side you swing. It would require less training and experience to get used to. You would keep one hand free to do your magic also. Using the metal of the anchor and keeping the T-shape would be tribute to Arthur." ... Zell and James conversed through several topics and in their focus, they'd managed to make a wrong turn somewhere and gotten totally lost. Both had forgotten to bring a map, so after trying and failing to find their way back to a street they recognised, laughing at their own stupidity along the way, they ended up asking civilians and getting pointed in the right direction. A walk that might have taken an hour or so, ended up taking all afternoon. When they finally arrived at the Adventurer's Guild, Zell let out a breath. "Made it!" he cheered. They went up to the bar took up stools, and Zell got the first round in, which consisted of two beers plus two shots of whiskey to warm them up. "Cheers boss." They clinked glasses threw back the shots, then got started on their beers. Sat side-on (as was his habit) Zell could face James aswell as watch the room. There were about a dozen adventurers in the guildhouse, including a party upstairs where Lucy's desk was. The vibe was cool. "So mate:" he started. "What are you going to miss most about your old life?" He sipped his beer as he watched James, keen to hear his response, surprised that even so close, the illusion of MacKensie still looked so perfectly real.