[quote=@Crimson Flame] I don’t know what to do [/quote] Since Kenji was reincarnated as an Elf, which are usually a very intelligent, sophisticated, magically inclined species, and he was chosen by Morganna, who's willing to give her followers a more direct helping hand, it's likely that wherever he "spawns" would be somewhere that'll help him get his bearings. If you wanted to expand on [@ERode]'s suggestion, and on what [@TheNoCoKid] said about the Status Screen that every Otherworlder has, maybe the Elven Priest would be waiting in the chamber where Kenji opens his eyes and would try to ease him through an explanation of what's happening, and instruct him on checking his own Status so that he can learn what each of his Skills do. They might even ask Kenji what he wants to do with his new life: Be an adventurer and slay monsters? Learn about magic and become an arcane scholar? Just go out and see this new world? Whatever his new goals are, maybe they could point him in that direction--the nearest Wizard or Fighter's Guild, or maybe they spot him some money to go get a room at the local inn. That kind of stuff.