[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Unidentified Planet — Ruined Church[/h3][/center] Once the sounds of battle finally died down outside, Anne let out a quiet sigh of relief. She wasn't naive enough to believe that the conflict would end with only this, but for at least a moment she could let herself relax again, and even take a few breaths to try and analyze the wider situation. Besides the two children, everyone here had experienced the same thing as her. Instantaneous teleportation from entirely different planets, something that shouldn't be possible even with Aegis's cutting-edge technology. The only culprit she could think of would be Ruin... And this didn't match their motives at all. Her green eyes lingered on the young man, his features frozen in fear. He seemed to know more than anyone here, but he was just a kid, too terrified by the violence around him to offer any coherent account. Her heart had already fixed itself on the idea of defending the village, and for once her cynical side agreed: if they could reach a populated area and rescue some of the civilians there, she'd have far more sources to gather information from, not to mention possible long-range communications and means of transport. "Let's save the arguments and questions for later." She kept up a light smile, meant to look more reassuring than she felt, but at the same time her voice projected itself with the steely certainty of an experienced commander. "We've repelled the first wave, but we don't know the full extent of the aggressors' forces. Now that they know our location, they'll most likely return with reinforcements, or attempt a long-range strike at this position. We should at least move somewhere safer while we have time." With calm, steady strides, she moved towards the doorway, still carrying the injured girl in her arms. Notably, she kept well clear of Saria, a flicker of suspicion crossing her features as she glanced over the horned woman. "...I'm in favor of pursuing the Ravens and seeking out the village. I can follow behind at a slower pace, and protect the children in the meantime. If possible, I'd like one other to stay with me as a guard." She paused then, close to the entrance, waiting for their answer even as a fresh wave of confusion swept over her at the sight outside. The dead bodies didn't faze her, but their equipment... Those didn't resemble any Raven suits she'd ever seen before. Who [i]were[/i] these soldiers? A heavy, sinking feeling mingled with the pain in Anne's stomach, a growing sense of despair at the impossibility of it all. Never mind a different planet, she might not be anywhere in known [i]space[/i] anymore.