[Center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230630/dbab70c9b1cdcc2c03d8d06889f71821.png[/img][/center] Barracker noticed the woman approaching, to be his companion, Fenna who he had briefly met last night. He gave a salute to her. "I remember when my son got a skateboard - a plank with wheels - and wanted to do a trick with it. He practised until he could and when he succeeded he was about as happy as he was," she said, nodding her head towards Eren. Barracker smiled at Eren, then turned his sight onto Fenna. [Colour=Green]“That sounds tough. You must be quite the proud mother.”[/colour] Barracker said. [Colour=Green]“Kids have such determination.”[/colour] She gave off a motherly vibe with her warm aura, so it was no surprise when she revealed she had a son. Tyrion commented “a plank with wheels, that sounds quite fun.” His imagination understood the concept of such a toy instantly. Barracker all of a sudden realised she was not just a member of Second Chance but from another world as he keeps forgetting to recall this key information. He felt sad for her as she would be leaving loved ones, including a kid back from where she had been whisked away from. "Is this his first time at a shooting range?" Fenna asked Barracker. [Colour=Green]“It is,”[/colour] he said proudly. [Colour=Green]“He has been waiting a long time to show what he has learned in practice. His name is Eren and this guy besides me is Tyrion,”[/colour] he placed a hand on Tyrion’s shoulder. “It is very nice to meet you, miss,” Tyrion spoke up with a little wave. Eren walked over and joined them. “Hi, I’m Eren. Did you see me land a hit on the target, miss” After they spoke for a bit, Barracker introduced her properly. [Colour=Green]“This is Fenna, an adventurer of Second Chance. I’ve joined their party.”[/colour] The kids reacted with loud excitement. Barracker decided to shock them even more. [Colour=Green]“She also killed Aurok The Man-Eater.”[/colour] the kids' faces beamed with awe at Fenna. “Tell us Fenna how did you kill it”. Tyrion and Eren spoke simultaneously, crowding her personal space. Even some of the guards started listening.