[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/UnbEOOT.png[/img][/center] Interactions with [@Qia][@Ponn] [hr] Quincy's head bobbed with an almost comical enthusiasm, his bright eyes fixed intently on his new friends. It was as if he was savoring every word, committing it to memory. He even chimed in, parroting their last statements in a tone that suggested profound agreement. [color=a187be]“Moon flowers! Moon flowers! Fire spirits! Laaaaaaaaaava!”[/color] Not the best parroting, in the history of The World with No Name, mind you, but this exchange was nothing short of a triumph in Quincy's book! Conversations like these were rare gems, glimmers of coherence and connection amid the vast sea of bewildered stares and awkward encounters that typically defined his social interactions. Most of his previous meetings seemed to end with a bewildered 'Who the hell are you?' or 'How did you get in my house?' or even the occasional ‘I’m sorry, what was that about a bath in our drinking water???’ These conversations would often culminate with a swift ejection from whatever residence Quincy happened to stumble into, usually before the affronted homeowner discovered the Flittergnat infestation Quincy left behind. Compared to those moments, this exchange was going fantastically well. It was like stumbling upon an oasis in the middle of a desert. For a man whose social graces often bordered on outright absurdity, this conversation felt like a masterclass in social etiquette. [color=a187be]”Butterflies!!!!”[/color] Quincy exclaimed! Alright, fine. It was a rather... lackluster attempt at parroting. Ennui groaned, her hands buried in her face. In fairness, it had been her own suggestion for Quincy to mirror the others' words, a tactic meant to foster engagement and rapport. But this? It seemed they'd taken an unexpected detour from the intended course. [color=a187be]”Have you ever tried eating a butterfl-?”[/color] Ennui swiftly interjected, seeking to better guide the conversation, [color=a2d39c]"Quincy and I came here in search of a new place to call home, a sanctuary untouched by the Abyssal Convergence… Our home-"[/color] Her voice trembled briefly. The memory of losing their cherished shed, flashing through her mind. [color=a2d39c]"We lost our old home to it..."[/color] She continued, her tone marked by a quiet sorrow. [color=a2d39c]"The house Quincy conjured earlier..."[/color] Quincy's smile dimmed just a fraction, a fleeting shadow of melancholy dancing across his features. It lingered in his eyes, but there was a sense that he wasn't entirely cognizant of it. It was as if the depth of his feelings, like so many things, remained partially veiled from his own awareness. [color=a2d39c]"We've been on the move since then. It's been over a year now. We had hoped that we could find solace in this town and make it our new haven... but..."[/color] She trailed off momentarily, finally turning her gaze towards Orion. [color=a2d39c]"You mentioned an impending elemental threat earlier. Is the Elemental Enclave no longer a safe haven?"[/color]