[hider= Stella] [b]Name:[/b] Cristella "Stella" Desdemon [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Gender:[/b] Cis Female [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]https://img.freepik.com/premium-photo/futuristic-style-illustration-beautiful-girl-neon-light_978491-839.jpg?size=626&ext=jpg&ga=GA1.1.386372595.1697846400&semt=ais[/img] [b]Augmentation: [/b]Stella's fingertips and forearms have been altered in ways that allow her to be a walking Swiss Army Knife. Her right pointer finger is a literal laser that can cauterize wounds and the right thumb can produce stitching material and a needle to sew up major wounds. Her palms have the ability to read vital signs. Her left thumb, when snapped, produces a small flame. Her eyes have also been altered to see abnormalities within environments. [b]Personality:[/b] Stella is a sarcastic person at first. Some may call her abrasive or a know-it-all. Once she gets to know people she can trust, she shows kindness in her own weird way. Stella is a fighter and never gives up on what she wants the most. [b]Defining Trait:[/b] Cautious [b]Backstory: [/b] Stella is the daughter of a high-ranking general and a scientist. At a young age, Stella's parents wanted her to become the perfect soldier to help with the energy crisis. Some say they might have gone too far on their daughter. Since she could walk, Stella was taught hand-to-hand combat and how to properly handle firearms. The first thing they altered in her was her eyes at age ten. After five back-to-back eye surgeries, Stella proved that she could see old and ancient technology on a previous dig site when she was thirteen, she started training to be in the field. By the time Stella turned fifteen, she could properly reattach digits (fingers and toes), sew up bullet wounds, and perform emergency surgery techniques. That was when her parents altered her forearms and hands. It wasn't too long after that her father had done the classic test of having her pick out a pet, letting her raise it for a year, then made her kill it unknowingly until she opened the crate. His goal was to kill any mercy within his daughter, wanting her to not question any authority. That would backfire on him. All her augmentations were performed and created by her mother. Her mother loved her enough to not allow her daughter to be connected to any pre-existing servers or with the HiveMind. Her mother didn't want anyone to know about any of the experimental technology she used on Stella. Rumors have it that there was more done to Stella than what even she knows about herself. Once Stella turned eighteen, she left the moment she could. Her father trained her so well that she could disappear without a trace and since she placed a virus on her mother's computer system, there was no way for them to track her. She did leave a reminder on her father's face that he could not break that wasn't meant to be broken. His right, dominant eye was her trophy that she crushed with the heel of her boot. Currently, Stella does odd jobs here and there to make ends meet. She often travels around to avoid her father's goons, now learning that her mother has passed from illness. [b]Skills:[/b] Stella has a wide knowledge of both field and medical medicine. She can identify various healing herbs and materials. She was trained to be a military doctor, botanist, hacker, and soldier, specifically a sniper. Stella prefers hand-to-hand combat over guns, often using environmental objects to finish the fight. [b]Inventory: [/b]Her black leather jacket and gloves hide her augmentations. Her cross-body pack appears small but actually holds twice the size of a duffle bag. Her bag is currently the home to her sniper rifle, a box of ammo for said rifle, and a full-size emergency medical kit. [/hider] [hider=Voidlight] [center][h2]Voidlight[/h2] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/024/071/240/medium/fumiaki-yoshida-.jpg?1581241686[/img] [b]Company Size: [/b] 30 at the administration building, field employees number 100+ [b]Augmentation: [/b] Many of Voidlight's employees are mechanics, IT personnel, plumbers, construction workers, nurses, lab techs, certified nurse assistants, lawyers, and engineers with various augmentations. Interestingly enough, the augmentations connect to a separate database. [b]Defining Trait:[/b] Prepared [b]Backstory:[/b] Voidlight appeared on the scene about a decade after HiveMind established itself. Voidlight is an employment company that serves the general public. They have contracts and connections with almost every major hospital and laboratory throughout the world. Rumors are that Voidlight is more than just a simple employment company but no one, not even HiveMind has been able to prove any of the rumors. [b]Skills: [/b] Machinery knowledge Laws knowledge Healthcare Medical knowledge Technology based [/center] [hider=Zeus] [center][h2][b]Codename:[/b] Zeus[/h2] [b]Real name:[/b] Viktor Grotrovski, CEO of Voidlight [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Appearance:[/b][img]https://pm1.aminoapps.com/6456/7450e2c3037f28b05571e613cacf965434c8a04a_hq.jpg[/img] [b]Age:[/b] 50 [b]Augmentations:[/b] Enhanced hearing and sight Increased strength [b]Personality:[/b] Zeus has always had this trustworthy air about him. He has had many random people start telling him their life stories in transit on public transportation or waiting in line in places. He has a cold-cut philosophy about life, if one of his operatives is compromised, it is expected of them to get out of the situation or die trying. Despite this outlook, he does care for those under him and does well to support them with whatever they need. [b]Defining Trait:[/b] Leadership [b]Backstory:[/b] At one point in time, it was rumored that Zeus was employed by [REDACTED] before they were what they are today. Once he started noticing signs in certain key members, Zeus left that company before he became too involved. He created Voidlight, a hiring company to help fill the void in the healthcare, technology, and maintenance business industries, supplying those businesses with fill-in employees. [b]Skills:[/b] [REDACTED] [b]Inventory:[/b] Always has a 9mm strapped under his suit coat. [/center] [/hider] [hr] [hider=Dragon] [center][h2][b]Codename:[/b] Dragon[/h2] [b]Real Name:[/b] Kai Stoick, Vice President of Voidlight Gender: Male Appearance: [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/77/18/8f/77188f80ebc5c0684a116c900131eb03.jpg[/img] Age: 31 Augmentations: Fire creation and control Increased speed Levitation Daggers can pop out of the top of his hand, via his wrists, to use at will Personality: The Dragon is a sarcastic, stubborn man who is determined to finish his job to the fullest. He doesn't sugarcoat things and would rather others don't tip-toe around him as well. Defining Trait: Headstrong Backstory: Skills: Technology literate Hand-to-hand combat, he prefers an up-close fight Inventory: A super strong alloy chain necklace that is almost indestructible lays around his neck. [/center] [/hider] [/hider] [hider=Sabrina] [center] [h2][b]Sabrina Lennox[/b][/h2] [b]Age:[/b] 45 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/c6/7a/af/c67aaf9e4bd45c2249b4da42300e074f.jpg[/img] [b]Occupation: [/b]Sabrina is the Director of Forsenics and Field Archaeology for the Louvre. Her job is to make sure the Louvre dig sites are running smoothly and that the artifacts make it to the Louvre in one piece. She isn't physically at the Louvre as much anymore and prefers working from home if she can. Every once in a while, she has to make an appearance in person at the home office. Usually, ends up running into her ex-husband (she's convinced that fate likes to laugh at her awkward pain). She is also a professor at a local university and helps her brother run Lennox Corporation when she can. [b]Personality:[/b] Sabrina is a very driven woman. She tends to be stubborn and a hopeless romantic, which was one of the reasons her relationship with her ex strung out as long as it had. [b]Augmentations:[/b] None. Sabrina would rather shove a pipe down her throat than let a Louvre doctor touch her body. [b]Defining Trait:[/b] Nurturing. [b]Backstory: [/b] Sabrina and her brother, Sebastian, are the only two remaining members of the Lennox family. Their family has had a history of being tied to power, both political and mystical. At a young age, Sabrina found her calling in sketching. She could create the most amazing pictures in minutes with a blank sheet of paper and a piece of charcoal. The Lennox family is one of great wealth with Sebastian currently running the family trade business. Sabrina, being much younger, was allowed more freedom to choose her path in life. By the time she turned sixteen, she had become fluent in various languages such as French, German, Latin, Mandarin, and Greek. Driven by her family's affinity to historical artifacts and her love of creating something out of seemingly nothing, Sabrina joined up with the Louvre as an intern after graduating with her Master's degree in History and Myths. She worked her way up through the ranks, and along the way, she met her ex-husband, Thierry. Sabrina had three children with Thierry. Aurelie is the eldest child, followed by their son, Theodore, and Cosette, their youngest, whom they lost almost a decade ago. [b]Skills:[/b] Sabrina has a wide knowledge of both historical and mythical stories and artifacts. She can put a skeleton back together in under five minutes if she has all the proper bones, including phalanges and teeth. She does have martial arts skills, although she prefers a gun. Sabrina also isn't afraid to use torture techniques to get information. [b]Inventory: [/b]Her red leather-bound sketch pad with charcoal sticks. Her cross-body brown canvas bag, not only does it hold a flashlight, and extra sketch pencils, but also her 9mm pistol and a set of daggers. [/center] [/hider]