[i]Oh my God, it actually worked! Can I actually win?[/i] [Colour=Pink]"You've got this, Adam!"[/colour] [b]"That's it, Adam!  Show it who's boss!"[/b] [i]Yes, I can do this.[/i] [Colour=Pink]"Keep it up!"[/colour] [i]Good plan,[/i] thought the younger Druid as he briefly smiled at the Ranger and took up an impromptu fighting stance, trying to prepare for an attack on the bear. Before he could though, the animal charged at him, striking his chest with a mighty slash. [i]Yeah, this is painful. I'll take an ogre strike over this, thanks.[/i] The force of the attack knocked Adam down, though still with red eyes facing the beast that wanted to kill him. And the bear planned on doing this with its powerful right paw. How to stop this? With his left hand on the ground, Adam realized he had a useful attack of his own. Not a claw, but it could be deadly all the same. He grabbed the dirt with that same hand and threw it right at the spirit creature's eyes, then if that worked he would push himself off the ground and charge at the beast, ignoring the pain he was feeling and the risk of being attacked again. All for the chance to punch the bear in the face again. It worked well the first time, so why not try it again? He didn't really think he was good at combat like this, but MacKensie believed otherwise, and that was good enough for him.