"It's a pleasure to meet you," Fenna said to Tyrion and turned her attention to Eren. "I did see that, that was a very good shot," she immediately complimented the young boy. Children needed the praise and she was happy to deliver. In the silence that fell, Barracker took the opportunity to introduce her to the children and she smiled to them when he told them her name. She made note of the fact being in a party was a good thing, at least in the family of these children. Then Aurok's name got dropped and all the attention was on her. "I didn't do it alone," she quickly said. "It was a team effort." This wasn't a good time to talk about the ninja or the people that had died. "We all did our part, I attacked from one side with my spear while it was blinded by a spell and the others attacked from other sides as well. There is no way that beast could be slain by one person alone. I can tell you one thing." She leaned in as if she wanted to let them in on a secret. "I can tell you he smelled really bad. I was up close and phew" she waved her hand in front of her nose. "Be glad you weren't there."