"How do I feel? It feels like a stab in the back of sorts. I know what kind of person she is, but I wish she would have at least discussed it with me." The lab assistant turned field assistant mentioned, mindlessly handing her ID over to the other assistant. "What do you need it for?" She asked before seeing her level was increased. That was really nice. Then, when Frieda gave her her phone number and told her to call her if anything came up, she couldn't help but let a small tear come to her eye. She tossed her arms around Frieda and brought the other assistant into a hug. "This is why you're my best friend, Frieda." She said, happily. "Best of luck on the babysi-- Watching over the professor." Camila commented before releasing Frieda and sighing a small bit. "Sorry. Just a bit happy about that. I'll try not to call you too much. Maybe I'll just head straight out and try to get the task done as fast as I can." She mentioned, looking at the other people in the room. One had challenged the others to a double battle. Well, outside of catching Pokemon, that wasn't her cup of tea really. She'd rather just surround herself with the cute things and note their characteristics instead.