[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230929/a2080ed81b155b32bcbc521c05f55866.png[/img] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fallout-new-vegas-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/230112/f7d774d3ec20946c1b1c06b083a1b2cd.png[/img][/url][/center] It was a rapid-fire decision in the moment. James had stupidly gambled all of their money and Zell was going to lose against this giant of a human being. (In fact, Zell wasn't even sure Stevenson Bear Arm [i]was[/i] a human, he was that big.) Well, Zell decided that he and James simply couldn't afford to lose everything. So he did what Zell always does... he found a way to win. He cheated - more specifically. As the crowd counted down for the match to begin, right before they started, Zell kicked Stevenson Bear Arm in the balls, under the table, then used the distraction to slam the giant man's hand onto the table, stood up and raised his hands in victory. This would, at the very least, let James avoid having to pay all of their money out, but the drunken Englishman hadn't thought past that. There was no exit-strategy. And perhaps there should've been one. This thought process trickled through Zell's mind as he ducked the chair that went flying over his head and smashed into the face of the man behind him. James' tactics of using barroom furniture as an equaliser against being outnumbered by powerful adventurers was a good idea, and Zell decided to indulge, picking up a stool next to him as he rose up. "Why don't you have a seat, mate!" he shouted as he broke the stool over the closest man's head. "Ha!" he managed before taking a stiff punch to the face. The taproom floor became a picture of chaos. Punches, kicks, wrestling and breaking furniture were the sights and sounds along with the shouting. Stevenson's party had started the fight, but they were rightly pissed off. James wasn't to know, he just saw his friend getting attacked and jumped in, as a friend should. Zell was to blame for all of this. But Lucinda Bottrill - Guildmaster of the Valhiem Branch of The Adventurer's Guild, did not give a crap who was in the wrong. She stood on the mezzanine balcony with a face of fury. "WHAT ARE YOU PLAYING AAAAATT!?" she roared. ... It took Lucy, the bartender and another party to break up the brawl, and not long to figure out that it was Second Chance's fault this had started in the first place. Zell wore a smug expression in spite of the bruised cheek and cut lip. He was just glad that James had avoided paying off the gambling debt. "You two are banned from the guildhouse," Lucy told him and James. "Your party may still do business here, but you two are not to set foot on this property, do you understand?" When James and Zell left, Lucy ordered Stevenson's party to help clean up lest they be banned too. When she got back upstairs, she went to her magi-tech systems and brought up the details of the party; Second Chance, then sighted the two members by their pictures. "Zell Brooks and MacKensie Trydant," she said aloud to herself. She would remember those names and faces. ... "That was fun," Zell grinned at James. He couldn't tell James had even been in a fight. Maybe it was because he was disguised as a woman, so no one attacked him, or perhaps it was because Sillagy's blessing was covering up his bruises. Or maybe Zell was just drunk. "The night is young, mate, let's go see where else is open." And with that, they stumbled off down the street, laughing about the fight.