[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lillianna[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [quote]"Spirit wha-" Simon was interrupted as the blast shot his way and hit the shield. The shield shattered completely and Simon flew backwards into the wall and then dropped to the floor. "Oh, shit," he cursed in pain. "What the hell was that?"[/quote] The mage's hand reflexively twitched as Lillianna jerked it back in a hurry. A mild shock was in her eyes to see that she'd managed to bust the other man's Lesser Ward and outright just send him flying into the wall. Hadn't he done this before, or was this particular anomaly of a 'spell' just that strong? She had no idea for sure, but it was worrying in the heat of the moment just as much as it was intriguing in the back of her mind. Either way, she stood there with a perhaps fair but visible bit of hesitation as she watched Simon. Did...was he going to be ok? He was a Cleric, right? So maybe he could patch himself up a bit, or perhaps had a deity on call for some kind of rejuvenating blessing? Er... [quote]Simon struggled to his feet. "By the winged sandles of Iskara, that was amazing. Spirit Gun? I've never even heard of that, before." He walked over to her, his face a mix of admiration, confusion and perhaps a little fear. But he managed to smile through it all. "You think you could do that again? I mean, is still there, in your mind?"[/quote] ...Eh?! [color=gold]"Y-Yes, it is still there just as it was before I used it, but more importantly are you-"[/color] "Never mind for that now! I'm fine and well enough, yes, thank you for your concern. But more importantly we must look into this! Please, grab one of the books and help me look for a reference for this phenomenon." Simon seemed to rush back over to the books he'd picked out for Lillianna, with the mage almost hesitating again before letting out a sigh and following him back over to the desk. The ardent Cleric almost seemed possessed by excitement itself, or perhaps it was still the adrenaline running through him from his prior impact with the wall, but either way he seemed to be thumbing through the pages, eyes flying over the pages of the tomes as if trying to find something. In that same vein Lillianna herself would pick up one of the books as well, beginning to thumb through the pages and looking for anything mentioning a 'Spirit Gun' of some sort....or at least something similar enough to match it perhaps. [color=gold]"Are you sure we'll find anything similar to this?"[/color] The man didn't even look up from the tome he was face-first in by now as he responded to her concerns. "I hope so, but for now let us keep looking. We will not know until we have plied the appropriate tomes. Perhaps even one of the Histories will shed light on this, if nothing else." ...They were going to be here a long time, weren't they? .... .... .... This gut feeling from the mage would prove true enough, as it would be some time passing by as the duo thumbed through the tomes Simon had procured, going page by page, chapter through chapter, volume by Quinity-blasted volume he could bring them to look through. Anything that might produce some sort of history, precedent, or frankly 'data' that could describe what she'd done. Histories, records or autobiographies of famous Spirit Magic users, tomes about practicing Clerics and individuls in history tied to the local god Hades, instructional manuals, tomes of advanced techniques, and the like seemed to fly by in an almost hectic flurry even as the Cleric seemed to come down from the mage's supposed 'adrenaline high' without pausing for his part. She in turn would help look through things for familiar words, though in part felt mostly that it was some miracle she could read anything here in this new world. Literally [b]read[/b] the stuff without having to fumble around and learn all over again. Whatever had brought her and the others to this world, it hadn't done so totally unprepared....though the trajetory of how the stone coffin she'd landed in had arrived left something very much to be desired. She'd nearly fallen over! But that was besides the point at the moment, especially as they were searching through the literature for an explanation. She was getting more curious by the page about more things Spirit Magic could do, but even more so peronally was feeling the itch to find something to explain what she'd done there. Every so often the Cleric would likewise pause to pull her away from whatever tome was in her hands, asking Lillianna to once again use the spell as he tested Minor and even more moderately-stronger wards against it. It would still make her wince a little as the man at times got thrown back against the wall, but at other times he'd project the ward onto something like a chair before having her use the spell while he observed. Observing damage done to an object after breaking a cast ward, looking into the impact and radius and such anecdotes, asking her questions about her magic usage, and jotting down notes on blank parchment he would leave the room to grab alongisde an enchanced 'never ending ink' writing utensil of some description would be among the things he would put them through together. Then inevitably would come going back at looking at the tomes again, before another roound of testing and questions and writing down notes from the tomes and otherwise along those aforementioned lines would commence. Time would begin to blur as they chugged along well through the day, the mage forgettting if she had any other business to do in the meantime as she eventually kicked into full gear while trying to find an answer. Even then, though, there was only so much they could get done in the course of a day. There was only so long they could go without food or water or rest in the end, despite Simon sending someone out for 'intellectual snacks' to bring to them and paying the poor student he'd wrangled earlier to do so for them when the poor adventurer made the mistake of looking curiously into the room at them. On top of that, it wasn't as if they could search this entire library's contents in the course of one day! That would be absurd enough as it was! [color=gold]"I....think we've run in circles by this point. Tome after tome, test after test, and we haven't gotten any closer to finding a reference in these works thus far. ...Also you just left some meat drippings on those notes about Archimeden the Great you were just writing down."[/color] The slightly frazzled Cleric would quickly pull back the last of the sandwich he'd been biting into from the table, a few drops of juicy meat juice dropping down onto the-....ah crap it was carpet. Lillianna herself had finished the gyro-like wrap she'd been bought for a pseudo-lunch/dinner by Simon already, in her haste to get back to things and needing sustenance, while the man had interspersed it all between at times drawn-out periods between taking bites of his food. Still, the man would finish the last bite of his now-cold food before he sat back down in a nearby (and slightly damaged from the testing) chair. "Thank you. But....by Iskerea's haste, I wish we'd more time to look into this. But to say the least what you can do is...astounding!" [color=gold]"I wouldn't say it's astounding as much as damaging to the library's property and yourself by this point. All the same....I agree I wish we had more time to look into this. I can't seem to find anything that shows precedent for this peculiar spell of all things...its-"[/color] "Vexing? Irritating?" [color=gold]"Close enough, but yes."[/color] So he did know what she was talking about, at least in terms of how it made her feel as a scholar. But she couldn't pin a precise word on it all that made any lick of sense for the moment being, perhaps being due to the mental exhaustion beginning to settle in. Not to mention that she'd finished her food hours ago at that, and her stomach was beginnign to rumble once more. It was enough to make Lillianna sigh in a more expressive sound of 'defeat' than anything else had made her feel thus far in the day. "For now I must take my notes and see what I can gather. Will you be able to return here tomorrow?" [color=gold]"Ah, no actually. I'm an adventurer, and my party is to leave for a gold-ranked quest tomorrow I believe."[/color] "Gold, you say? To be so new and yet such a high rank, its very peculiar. Yet at least being oddly gifted in something itself isn't unprecedented among a certain few gifted Spirit Magic users in the records from what we've gathered and been able to peruse thus far. Yet that alone speaks volumes of what this spell might mean, given there's seemingly no evidence thus far for its existence in our search thus far. Or in other words....you are, as of what I can gather thus far, the lone person with access to this particular spell among Spirit Mages for the time being. This being seemingly in lieu of possessing a standard Spirit Bolt of course." He was maybe right. It was a bit concerning, but at least it-...oh! Yes, that was right. She had mentioned they were headed out on a mission tomorrow, but there was still something she needed to do! Well, other than eat and sleep at least. Definitely eat, and of course get some sleep, but she needed to see the new group member (maybe) and tell the party about her request for a pit-stop along the way! The mage had failed to tell them for at least a day already, though everyone had seemed busy enough from the looks of things, yet it was something that needed communicating as soon as possible before they left. Lillianna pursed her lips a bit as she somewhat tiredly got up from her desk chair and grabbed the poor staff of hers she'd left leaning against the table for most of the time they'd been working on things. Among the tests Simon had wanted to do, she'd held the staff when casting it a few times. That had mostly amounted to literal 'nothing', though she could still feel a thrum of power from within the object. What he had hoped for her holding the staff and casting the spell would do was a mystery for now though. [color=gold]"....With how little I know, and after all of this, I'm inclined to agree. But I must get my things and leave for now. I truly do need to talk to my party as well before we leave about something, actually, that just came back to mind."[/color] "Ah, of course. But please do come back when you get the chance. In the meantime I'll do some more digging and investigation into the matter of this 'Spirit Gun' spell." With a silent nod in return, the mage would begin to make for the exist as quickly as her grumbling stomach and aching head could muster. Perhaps Frederick knew of someone who could provide some cheap painkilling medicine after a long day of studying? Not doubt some of the students here maybe sought certain 'substances' for use while on the premises, but she both wasn't that sort of person nor did she have the time to see of the Academy had the local equivalent of what Zell had looked like to her as a first impression. Etc. For now, she needed to return to the Mended Drum, get a bite to eat, and see if she could ask James and the other party members (telling them all together or not at this rate) about her request.