[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]??? — Ruined Church -> Burning Town[/h3] [/center] “Well, now we know they’re just people, so could we at least try?” she requested, referring to the slaughter of the Raven Heralds. She saw the logic, obviously, and also understood that they more or less deserved it but it still sat badly in her stomach that they had died. After that they learned a little more about how they had gotten there, or at least the events leading up to it. A possession, a spell, a summoning. Whoever this Lavielle was, she was, Rayne assumed, not that much like the Gaia of her own world, who had been very hands off to the point where she had barely been aware she had been dying. Either way, there was little time to delve into that, and Sanae’s question of if anyone else could fly was as good a prompt as any to get moving. “I can” the Knight Witch said, perhaps a bit redundantly, as she floated up after the green haired woman, which gave her the same good view of the black plume of smoke. She did not need to be told twice that that was bad, and as soon as Sanae moved so did Rayne. Rather than simply soar through the air however, her speed at that wasn’t actually that fast, the Knight Witch instead vanished in a flash, and then appeared a few meters ahead of where she had been after a beam of energy crossed the intervening distance. Then with neary a pause she dashed again, and again, and again, and in doing so covered ground (or rather air) at an impressive pace. It let her arrive at just about the same moment as Sanae unleashed her deluge upon the burning town. It was very hard to see anything through it from up on high for anyone but the woman in question. Fortunately Rayne wasn’t much of a long range fighter anyway, and so she immediately pivoted her dashing chain down into the rain, blinking into gaps between the bullets to avoid getting harmed, entirely unaware of both how this was unnecessary and how it would not have worked if it was. It was only when she halted at the sight of yet more blood that she messed up, and one of the water bolts harmlessly whizzed through, which acted as a good way of removing her focus from said blood and putting it back onto the danger, and those who had caused it to be spilled. Just in time for 3 to spot her, and for her to spot them in turn. Well them and one fellow who had fallen to the ground, physically unharmed and yet still down for the count. The rest meanwhile had raised shields above their heads like umbrellas against the falling maelstrom. She hadn’t actually thought about how she was going to fight people using her lethal magic, but here was a solution looking her in the face. She dashed forwards through the rain even as the Heralds turned spears and axes towards her, blinking straight at them, then at the last second blinking up at a 45 degree angle to appear above them instead. Light glowed in her raised hand, and then in her grasp appeared Runedge, a heavy blade lent to her by fellow Knight Witch Sykra, which she then slammed down, splintering the shield only for her to banish the blade before it struck the warrior themselves. They tried to hack at her with a hand ax in retaliation, only for her to dart up into the air, and for the magic bullets to splash down atop her now shield-less attacker. She then repeated this again, dashing next to a second and smashing their shield away as well. The final one fled as their fellow got caught in the rain, seeking proper shelter (of which there was ironically little to be had due to their own actions), but Rayne pursued, dashing next to them and full body kicking him off his feet. The Herald fell, dropping their shield and weapon, in response to which Rayne formed an arrow-like glyph in front of their fist, which they pointed at both dropped items, and proceeded to shoot them with basketball sized magic bullets of her own. Intended to be used to vaporize magitech war golems in only a few shots, the comparatively primitive equipment stood no chance and was shredded by the pair of blasts. It was good enough for her, especially as all three were now entirely exposed to the pain raining down from above, and so she moved on, darting forth and fully intending to keep using Sanae’s magic to her advantage for as long as possible.