[quote=@Zool] Lmao you know, I thought something wild might happen related to James' MacKensie disguise! Madlads xD [/quote] The funny part is that neither of us knows what the other is planning to write so we are as surprised as the rest [quote=@Saiyan] Oh, I thought he lost, so I was writing that he started the tavern brawl as a way to avoid paying the money lol I'll change it up [/quote] James wouldn't have made the bet if he had any doubt Zell was going to win, also, I think that my wording may have been ambiguous so I apologize for that but yeah, Zell won and because everyone else thought he was going to lose they betted heavily against him, so they found themselves drunk and with a lot less money to buy more booze, thankfully there was a Zell and James shaped person to blame rather than, you know, blaming themselves for betting it all in the first place.